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Snap out of it! It's not really happening!
Author: Raine    Date: 07/14/2008 12:21:40

That's it. It's you. When you read articles like this, that mention the very real possibility of more banks failing this year - 90 banks... oh, btw, IndyMac was never on that list. You shouldn't worry, tho. It's just crazy mental thinking!

By now, I am sure you heard Phill Gramm tell us that it's is a mental recession, and that we are a nation of whiners. Of course - someone like Mr. Gramm can say this. He is rich. He doesn't face the things that you and I face everyday. Will the check clear before or AFTER I get the money in the bank? Can I afford to put gas in my tank this week, or should I fill my pantry with food? John McCain claims that Mr. Gramm doesn't speak for him... but John McCain has been telling us it is all in our head as well.

Here is someone else who "doesn't" speak for John McCain:
McCASKILL: If you look at the tax plans by these two candidates, you can, in fact, bring down the deficit by giving tax cuts to most of America. As long as you make a very thin sliver of them pay more. We have done a lot for the hedge fund -- for corporate CEOs in eight years. You know, it hasn't turned out so well. We lost almost a half a billion -- half a million jobs since January. 428,000 jobs since January. And in January John McCain was saying nice things about the economy. so --

FIORINA: That is not true.

McCASKILL: It is true. -- He said this economy is in pretty good shape.

BROKAW: Said it would take care of itself. We just showed that. He said that we'll work our way through the economy. Let me --

FIORINA: I've been around long enough to know you can make a sound bite say anything. The reality is that John McCain has been saying for months and months and months --

BROKAW: We didn't make that up.
No, Mr. Brokaw didn't make that up... And for someone who has been around enough, well, the denials from the people who DON'T speak for John McCain are stunning. Here is a video that has only been around for a few days...
The denials of what this man has said and has not said are rather stunning. But, don't worry, it is all in your head Americans. When you can't afford a vacation, it's your own damn fault for not saving enough money. It's your own fault for not working 3 jobs. That is the Republican way. It isn't the POLICIES that we have had for 16 years, it's your fault... Or, it's Chuck Schumer's... Seriously.
Why? Why would a federal official with enormous power, destroy an institution on which tens of thousands of depositors (not all of whom are insured) and employees depend? Why would a New York Senator attack a Pasadena bank, acting as some sort of amateur, self-appointed, long-distance bank examiner?
See? It's Schumer's fault!

As we sadly watch this *mental recession*, this thing that is all in our head, remember that Phil, and Carly and John McCain are multi millionaires. John McCain doesn't have a mortgage to worry about. Phil Gramm made a lot of money when his wife was on the Board of Directors of Enron... she did pretty well for herself. Carly made MILLIONS before getting fired at HP, and made money going out the door afterwards. Do you REALLY think these people know what it is like for Americans?

Of course not... but, in John McCain World, War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength... and sadly, there are people out there who believe it. I call them the 23%-ers, you can call them the Republican Base. And make no mistake, John McCain is one of them.

:peace: and :heart:


245 comments (Latest Comment: 07/15/2008 04:11:54 by livingonli)
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