Good Monday Morning. My sister and her family came for a visit this weekend. Friday night we unwound with a few beverages outside with music playing and cocktails. Saturday, I finally was able to take them to Annapolis and tour the Naval academy including its Museum, Chapel, and the crypt of John Paul Jones. Later that night Bob joined us and we went out for dinner at a local BBQ chain.
Annapolis is just about a half-hour from us, so it's really a lovely day trip. Yesterday, we stayed super local and had brunch. The Falcons were playing American football in the morning, so we ate and watched the game. There was no rush, no family stress and lots of laughter.
After brunch, we drove around the corner to the College Park Airport and Musuem. It's small and not overwhelming. It's also historic in that it is the oldest continually running airport in the world. In 1909 Wilbur Wright came to the area to train 2 military officers to fly the government's first aeroplane.
We came home early in the afternoon, watched football and basically spent time with each other doing everyday normal things.
This post isn't about the military, history, museums or anything of the sort. This post is about spending time with loved ones. Being that I live in Maryland now, these visits happen rarely. Usually a visit to NY or them to us is for an event of some sort. That's not a bad thing, but in all the years since I left New York State(15 years!!) I don't remember a time when my sister and I (and the brothers in law and the nephew) got to spend time, just because we wanted to. It may seem like a no brainer, but sometimes life gets busy and sometimes life reminds you, to relax and appreciate the ones that matter most in your life.
This was a good weekend.