You might recognize that view, looking down Boylston Street towards Kenmore Square.
Monday, we are hosting the first Boston Marathon in April since 2019. Thirty thousand runners, and their support groups, will be lining the famous 26.2 miles from Hopkinton.
But more than just a runner's weekend, there's plenty more happening in our fair city. There will be a full operating season of our iconic Swan boats - again for the first time since 2019. They went in the water on Thursday, and today is opening day!
Elsewhere in the city, the Boston Red Sox had their home opener yesterday, with all the usual pomp and circumstance, as well as the usual rancid smell emanating from that lyrical little bandbox. As you probably know, Marathon Monday features the only morning start in Major League Baseball, with first pitch just after 11:00 am. That game is on too, for the first time since....wait for it...2019. I am sensing a pattern here.
Somewhere in all this, we also pause to remember why all these festivities occur around the third Monday in April every year. We'll have more about that in our "Ask a Vet" column this week. For now - the sun is shining, baseball is being played, and flowers are in bloom around these parts!