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Fluffy Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 07/10/2015 13:26:36

Once again its Comic Con weekend. The weekend where fangirls and boys dream of being in San Diego to revel in the fun and geekery.

Last year, working with Nerdist Industries and Hot Topic, Her Universe started the "Geek Couture" Fashion Show. Its an awesome show that helps showcase designers in world of geek fashion. You will not see Michael Kors or Vivienne Westwood on this runway.

This was last years runway -

Last year it was 36 designers and models. This year they narrowed the 150 entries down to just 26 finalists. I've only seen limited footage on youtube but it looks like this years was just as fun and fabulous!

These past couple years have seen missteps in the fan world when it comes to things female. The effects of Gamergate are still being felt (and I will never, never, enjoy Jayne again thanks to Adam Baldwin's asshatery). Hasbro labeled Jurassic World dinosaurs as male cause you know only boys play with dinosaurs. The excluding of Black Widow from most of the Avengers marketing and in fact changing her bike so that its only for Captain America or Iron Man. I mean really Iron Man? He has a suit that flies why does he need Black Widow's motorcycle? ...... Sorry, that's a whole other thing. True that maybe they don't sell as well but that could be because is just now starting to be "okay" for girls to play with them. Its nice for girls to have the option.

By the way, Hasbro was shamed into changing the dino's back in to girls by one editorial written at The Geekiary that went viral. I know the girl who wrote it and she's pretty stunned by how it took off.

Hasbro Marketing Jurassic World Velociraptors as Male

It looks like some companies have finally figured out that geekgirls have cash too and would like to spend it on things that make them squee.

Resident Geek/Fan Girl

51 comments (Latest Comment: 07/10/2015 20:23:13 by Raine)
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