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Is this the New American Story?
Author: wickedpam    Date: 09/21/2008 03:42:06

I don't usually do blog post, nor do I do them on a Saturday night, but I felt the need to share something had happened, or rather someone that I met.

I met a woman today; she was the first person to come by my yard sale. She seemed like a happy woman, like there was nothing she had to worry about, but what they say about looks being deceiving can be very true.

We got to talking to her and found out what a hard years she’s had. Her husband of 41 years passed away of cancer about a year ago. She had taken the year off to care for him in the home the bought together and raised a family in. Also in that year her car was stolen and they couldn’t afford to get a new or used on to replace it so she depended on their daughter’s vehicle to get around.

Unfortunately her husband didn’t leave her any money to help her get back on her feet when he passed. They had burned through their saving to take care of their medical needs. In talking to this woman we found out she was going to be selling just about everything in her home just so she could make another months payment and so she had a place to live for 30 days after that she wasn’t sure what she was going to do.

So in my front yard she was crying because if someone hadn’t stolen her car she said could have at least lived in that. It broke my heart to hear how much pain this lady was in. Like anyone else I wish I had the words to just make everything better for her and others like her. What have we become if the best thing to happen is that we would still have our cars to live in?

On the brink of what could be a turn for an amazing future, I wonder how many others are in her shoes and just trying to get to the next day. I also wonder why others in our great country can’t see the gapping wound that has been inflicted on us, not by outside forces but by some of its own citizens.

For eight years they’ve looked down on us. Telling us what we think, do or want is inconsequential. I’m tired of that. I’m tired of them. We can’t have that anymore. They are hurting us. On November 4th we have to forcibly tell them to stop and go away, we don’t want them, they aren’t any good for us.

One of the last things this woman said before she drove off was that there was nothing more the universe could throw at her. She’d already been through the worse and she wasn’t scared anymore. I hope that we can all not be scared anymore too.


7 comments (Latest Comment: 09/22/2008 03:49:13 by wickedpam)
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