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Author: TriSec    Date: 07/16/2019 10:00:04

Good Morning.

It's pretty obvious that the Mr. Trump is a petulant child. There does seem to be corroboration, and it comes via the Daily Mail (UK).

LONDON — A U.K. newspaper published more leaked memos from Britain's ambassador in Washington on Sunday, despite a police warning that doing so might be a crime.

In one 2018 cable published by the Mail on Sunday, U.K. ambassador Kim Darroch says President Donald Trump pulled out of an international nuclear deal with Iran as an act of "diplomatic vandalism" to spite his predecessor, Barack Obama.

The memo was written after then-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson visited Washington in a failed attempt to persuade the U.S. not to abandon the Iran nuclear agreement.

"The outcome illustrated the paradox of this White House: you got exceptional access, seeing everyone short of the president; but on the substance, the administration is set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism, seemingly for ideological and personality reasons - it was Obama's deal," Darroch wrote.

Darroch announced his resignation last week after the newspaper published cables in which he'd branded the Trump administration dysfunctional and inept. The White House responded by refusing to deal with him, and Trump branded the ambassador a "pompous fool" in a Twitter fusillade.

It's been a while, but we're clearly at the point where nobody is even pretending anymore. There is no progress in the United States, it's just a series of reversals with each person in power now trying to "undo" whatever his predecessor did. It matters not if things are for the good of the country. "The other guy/party did it, so it MUST be removed!" is now our current way of operating.

As if to prove this point, it appears that the EU is moving forward without the United States, and is trying to salvage what remains of the Iran nuclear deal. Of course, under sanction threat from Der Trumpler.

BRUSSELS — European Union nations threw their diplomatic weight behind the unraveling Iran nuclear deal on Monday, trying to rescue the pact from collapsing under U.S. pressure.

The 28 EU foreign ministers insisted that recent Iranian actions surpassing uranium enrichment thresholds set by the 2015 deal did not necessarily condemn the whole agreement.

"We note that technically all the steps that have been taken — and that we regret have been taken — are reversible. So we hope and we invite Iran to reverse the steps," said EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

"The deviations are not significant enough to think that Iran has definitively broken the agreement," said Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, who is in line to succeed Mogherini this fall.

The EU currently has few direct measures for offsetting U.S. economic sanctions against Tehran that have crippled the country's economy, and the bloc faces U.S. threats to target any EU companies that attempt to trade with Iran.

Noting that Iran was "still a good year away" from potentially developing a nuclear bomb, British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said there was still a "small window to keep the deal alive."

Even if Britain, France, Germany and the rest of the EU held out a helping hand to Iran, the diplomatic puzzle was made more difficult Monday when France's foreign ministry said a researcher with dual French-Iranian nationality had been arrested in Iran.

It said the French government was seeking information about Fariba Adelkhah and consular access to her "without delay" but added there has been "no satisfactory response to its demands as of today."

Iranian opposition websites based abroad have said Abdelkhah disappeared in June.

And while the EU nations were looking to deescalate tensions in the Persian Gulf region, they also put the blame on the Trump administration for quitting the deal last year, imposing sanctions and trying to keep European nations from trading with Iran.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said that Iran's recent moves to surpass mutually agreed limits from the deal were only "a bad reaction following a bad decision — which was the U.S. decision to withdraw from the accord and put sanctions into place."

We'll shift gears to finish. This past weekend was Bastille Day in France. There was the usual pomp and circumstance, and no doubt more inspiration for Mr. Trump to compensate for his small - whatever. In any case, One US president knew what it was like to lose a child to war.

Over the skies of France, on July 14, 1918, an American squadron flew among the clouds in a tight formation like a flock of migrating birds. When they were above the German occupied French village of Chamery, German planes attacked.

The planes circled each other like a swarm of angry bees with propellers buzzing and machine guns firing. The Americans broke away, retreated into the clouds, and returned to their airfield. But one brave American pilot continued to duel with the Germans and didn't make it back.

Quentin Roosevelt, the youngest son of former President Theodore Roosevelt, was missing in action.

News didn't travel fast in the era of cable telegraphy. The former president was at Sagamore Hill, his home in New York, frustrated that he wasn't over there in the fight.

Roosevelt may have been the first statesman to earn a Nobel Peace Prize for having negotiated an end to the Russo-Japanese War, but he preferred the taste of war over peace. In Ken Burn's documentary, "The Roosevelts: An Intimate History," Washington Post columnist George Will said, "Theodore Roosevelt, we should say this bluntly, liked war."

He remains the only president to have received a Medal of Honor for his heroic actions leading the charge of Rough Riders up San Juan Hill. And with American entry into World War I, Roosevelt dreamed of leading troops into battle, kicking the Germans out of France, and winning further glory.

He even asked to command a division of volunteers, but President Woodrow Wilson denied the request. Roosevelt was depressed, but he took solace that all four of his sons volunteered for the fight and proved themselves in combat.

On July 16, 1918, Roosevelt's pride quickly turned to desolation when he received unconfirmed news reports that Quentin was missing, and the next day it was confirmed in a cable from General John J. Pershing, commander of American Expeditionary forces in France. The Roosevelt family held out hope that Quentin would be ok.

But Edmund Morris writes in his critically acclaimed three volume biography of the 26th president that Roosevelt told one well-wisher that "Quentin is dead." Roosevelt's intuition proved correct; on July 20, 1918, he received a telegram from President Wilson confirming that Quentin had been killed in action.

Quentin became the only son of a U.S. president to be killed in combat, and his death made front page headlines. The condolences poured into Sagamore Hill from dignitaries, family friends, citizens, and soldiers that had served with Quentin.

"Quentin died as had lived and served, nobly and unselfishly; in the full strength and vigor of his youth, fighting the enemy in clean combat," Pershing wrote to Roosevelt, "You may well be proud of your gift to the nation in supreme sacrifice."

Roosevelt was no stranger to grief as his mother and first wife died on the same day. But his bereavement over his son's death proved too much for even the energetic believer of the strenuous life--a philosophy of living according to Roosevelt, where no individual shall "not shrink from danger, hardship, or bitter toil."

Roosevelt displayed stoic strength in his public speeches and statements but experienced overwhelming grief in private. Morris writes that Roosevelt "was heard sobbing in the stable at Sagamore Hill, with his face buried in the mane of his son's pony" and quietly repeating Quentin's childhood nickname, "Poor Quentyqee!"

The president who romanticized war showed signs of regret. In one letter, he wrote: "To feel that one has inspired a boy to conduct that has resulted in his death has a pretty serious side for a father."

Something our current crop of 'leaders' will never know.


20 comments (Latest Comment: 07/16/2019 19:33:39 by Will in Chicago)
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