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They Eyes of the World
Author: Raine    Date: 04/22/2024 12:58:26

Over the weekend the House finally passed a series of funding bills for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The $95 billion in foreign aid packages will head over to the Senate tomorrow and then it's expected to be signed by the President before the week is done.
It really is a big deal.
The scene in Congress was a striking display of action after months of dysfunction and stalemate fueled by Republicans, who hold the majority but are deeply split over foreign aid, particularly for Ukraine. Johnson relied on Democrats to ensure the military and humanitarian funding — the first major package for Ukraine since December 2022 — won approval.

The morning opened with a somber and serious debate and an unusual sense of purpose as Republican and Democratic leaders united to urge quick approval, saying that would ensure the United States supported its allies and remained a leader on the world stage. The House’s visitor galleries were crowded with onlookers.

“The eyes of the world are upon us, and history will judge what we do here and now,” said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
or, as Punchbowl News puts it, Biden got what was needed with little concession.
“House Republicans came into the 118th Congress with big plans. They were going to cut taxes and spending, impeach President Joe Biden and members of his Cabinet and use their leverage to force Democrats to accept stringent new border security and immigration policies. In short, they were going to shake up Washington, with Biden as their main focus.”

“That didn’t happen.”

“Instead, Biden has gotten pretty much everything he’s asked for from this Congress without having to concede much in return. True, it’s taken a while as the dysfunctional House slowly churned its way through the past 15-plus months.”

“Yet in the end, Biden has emerged as the big winner.”
Funny, The House still can't seem to pass that border bill they say is so important. As I said last week something is happening here. I think a lot of members are finally getting sick and tired of the crazies in their caucus. For now, that is.



6 comments (Latest Comment: 04/22/2024 23:45:58 by Raine)
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