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Author: Raine    Date: 06/04/2009 12:39:06

President Obama, a short time ago finished up a greatly anticipated Speech in Cairo, Egypt. The transcript is not yet up at the White house Website, but the White house did live blog the speech. Some excerpts:

The first issue that we have to confront is violent extremism in all of its forms. In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.

Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together.

Our daughters can contribute just as much to society as our sons and our common prosperity will be advanced by allowing all humanity – men and women – to reach their full potential

Whoever kills an innocent kills all people; whoever saves an innocent saves all people.

These are indeed strong and powerful words. We will confront extremism, no apparent mention on the War on Terror™. Confronting extremism is something we should have been doing all along.

We have long spoke on this blog that words and language are important. How we use them and how they are delivered really do make a difference in how people react to and receive the messages given. Obama is a powerful orator and does deliver these messages very well, and in these times when we are dealing with extremism domestically and internationally, I appreciate this more than I ever thought I could.

Giving this speech in a country where his approval rating is probably the lowest of the Middle East states, he received applause no less than 12 times. He quoted from the Koran, he mentioned women's rights, equality and human rights, and he called for the world to work toward achieving peace. He expressed his desire for a nuclear free world and called for Palestine to be recognized. He spoke of morality and non-violent protest. Spectacular stuff. The speech was aired on State TV for everyone to see. The White House has the speech up already, here.

Were there protestors? Burning effigies? Calls for Death to America? Actually, it has mostly been people from Israel who object to the Administration's stance on a 2 state solution. Oh yes, and our own right wingers, who are now calling this the Obama Apology Tour. So there you have it, the very extremists that the President was talking about are the ones protesting this speech. No burning effigies, no calls for death to America.

Words matter, and this President knows that the amount of damage done to our reputation cannot be undone in just one speech, but today went a long way. The only apologies the President is making is for the lack of leadership we have had the previous 8 years. I don't think the likes of Sean Hannity, Rush, Beck and even Liz Cheney, see the irony in that. Diplomacy and communication skills go a long way towards achieving peace, and anyone who tells you otherwise is simply wrong. This was not an apology tour, this was reaching out, with an olive branch. This was a clarification, that despite how things have looked in the past, we are not at war with Islam.

What these people on the right are failing to see or realize is that our President is ending the attitude -- not just in the Middle East but domestically as well, of an end to the 'Us versus Them' attitude that America had been taking. Obama's words are genuine and thoughtful. This is a much-needed change in tone regarding how America and the Middle east have been dealing with each other.

"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
Now if only we can work on achieving that here in America.

As-Salamu Alaykum.


71 comments (Latest Comment: 06/05/2009 09:19:28 by Scoopster)
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