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All or Nothing. Wherein, I whine.
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 09/06/2009 13:59:31

President Obama continues to play nice. I suppose that's his job and one of the things we admired about him when we elected him - but I tire of niceness. What good is being nice and considerate if angry and uneducated, uninformed Republicans are going to continue to play assholes. Yes, I said it. Van Jones understood it and after watching the town hall brawl/meetings this year, I think we can say that without feeling our usual Liberal guilt. Assholes. ASS-Holes!

I want to be the asshole this time: I DON'T WANT A WATERED DOWN HEALTH CARE REFORM BILL. I want a bill that will actually be reform. Is that too much to ask?

According to HuffPo this morning:

President Barack Obama plans to reach out to Republicans and reassure — rather than confront — his liberal supporters when he addresses an extraordinary joint session of Congress at 8 p.m. ET Wednesday.

But he will warn lawmakers against seeking a perfect plan and then winding up doing nothing, as happened to the last Democratic president back in 1994.

I am tired of having to compromise because the whiners are the loudest. I can be loud. I can whine. And Miss Velveeta can pitch a right nasty pouty face as well! Not only that, I can throw stuff - and I'm damn close to doing it. Shoes, bags, chairs, heavy books (crappy ones), fruit, dishes.... you name it.... I'm quite near to starting a major tantrum.

Maybe it's time we did say "all or nothing" - no compromise. Because some people have been on the sidelines sitting quietly hoping that it'll all work out and when it doesn't they are going to blame the group of assholes that stopped the reform.

So, here is what this asshole wants: I want a bill passed that has a public option. Let me be clear, I want my tax dollars to go towards my health care (I already pay for a health plan that will drop me at a whiff of some horrible ailment). I want that health plan to lets doctors talk to me about my end of life options (the dreaded "death panel" *snicker*). And this asshole wants even more: I want my health care providers to teach me about how to avoid getting sick - strange stuff I know. Yes, I want them to educate me on what is a good diet, what can cause cancer and how to avoid carcinogens, on getting exercise and even alternative medicines or alternatives to medicine.

The choice (freedom) would still be mine. I could smoke a pack a day, drink a case of beer and eat fast food junk every day and still get my government sponsored heath care. But I want my government to spend money, my money, on educating me away from the McDonald's and out from under the mindless TV and video games that lull me into a state of brainwashed apathy and incoherent zombiism. They already spend tons of my money on subsidizing McDonald's and their ilk in the meat industry just so they can multiply overnight around the inner cities like a Herpes virus; while their billions of sick cattle pollute our watersheds and give us the gift of Salmonella. They spend my money on subsidizing agribusiness so they can invest in harmful pesticides which will keep bugs off my trademarked tomato but give me cancer while it burns the land in the foreign country where it's made, while their overgrown deformed hybrid fowl will end up cooked in vats full of oil that continues the cycle of making me unhealthy.

I want to see that money, my money, get spent of benefiting ME.

Is that too much to ask?

Seriously Mr. President, I'm really, really, really going to be an ASSHOLE about this!!


4 comments (Latest Comment: 09/06/2009 20:50:23 by livingonli)
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