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A Tale of Two Biddies
Author: clintster    Date: 11/20/2009 13:15:04

This week, America was treated to two prime examples of the modern state of conservatism. Curiously enough, they were both brought about by women, and they were both in the process of selling books.

First there was attempted temper tantrum committed by Carrie Prejean on "Larry King Live". She was on there ostensibly to promote her first book "Still Standing", the courageous story of a young woman who overcomes the odds to become a beauty queen and come in second in the Miss USA pageant, despite the machinations of the media, liberals, gay people, and smarty-pants people on the Internets who put her innocent answer to a hateful, loaded question together with that dumb, stupid jerk-face Keyboard Cat.

"LKL" was her last stop on a tour of all the major morning and evening tv news shows, where she complained that she was being silenced by the media. All went well until Larry King asked her about "the videos".

The videos in question are a series of videos she had made for her boyfriend where she was... um, taking Dick Cheney's advice to Patrick Leahy. When she had been asked about the video (at the time) on other shows, she had labeled it as "the biggest mistake of my life." (it turns out there are about 40 of those mistakes floating around) When Larry asked her about them, however, she took extreme umbrage, called the question "inappropriate" and attempted to storm off the set. The only problem was she couldn't figure out how to unhook her microphone and so she had to sit there in an awkward moment that has to rank among the year's funniest on TV.

Meantime, the other side of the coin was represented by Sarah Palin. A scrappy young woman from Alaska who clawed her way to the governor's mansion and a veep spot in the 2008 election before leaving office to be a focus for change on the Facebook and Twitter ("Just made waffles and Freedom Fries. Todd's my burly moose huntin' guy. Death Panels. Also.") She wrote her book, "Goin' Rogue Also Too" to chronicle her story and to spend 400 pages complaining about how liberals are too whiny. She also went on Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Barbara Walters, and a five-part interview with Oprah about how the media doesn't pay enough attention to her. She hasn't gone on Larry King yet, but if she does, expect photos of her wearing a moose pelt and a ballgag to surface shortly beforehand, just to show Carrie Prejean how it's done in the heartland, you betcha.

Apparently they have taken up the Coulter method of promoting books. Go on TV, say or do something outrageous, and when people react just say "I'm tellin' it like it is. Why you hatin' on me?" Notice also that as Prejean and Palin have risen in their status among the wingnuts, Coulter has remained strangely silent (relatively speaking of course). Is it a mere coincidence, or is this part of... THEIR EEEEVIL PLAN? Stay tuned, dear reader - the Santorum's about to hit the fan!


17 comments (Latest Comment: 11/21/2009 04:27:09 by BobR)
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