Good Morning!
Happy Xmas Eve, for all our celebratory types. If it's not your holiday, well have a fine Saturday indeed.
Yesterday, Javi and I did an epic drive home from Santee, SC. 904 miles on the day in 18 hours. Pretty much according to plan. There was this big weather thing going on that we never actually saw. Of course predicted for Bread, Milk, PANIC!. Nothing was happening on the superslab; we started cloudy, it rained for about an hour at the most, and then we were in bright sunshine nearly all of the trip north.
As you well know, it's a "Bomb Cyclone", a weather term actually called "bombogenesis". But because it's got BOMB in the name, everybody, including the BBC this time, was mainlining the weather Kool-Aid. One of these days, an over-hyped storm is actually going to live up to that hype, but because we've become inured to that sort of thing, there will be havoc. See also "Boy who cried wolf".
Javi is home. Disney college program is over. Somewhat bittersweet; he left his girlfriend behind and we dragged all his stuff home. (She's working there until February.) One semester left, and then on to graduation in the spring!
I'm putting the finishing touches on all our baking today. I've got some pastelitos to make, but they require minimal effort. Tomorrow, we'll be heading up to New Hampshire to see Brother TriSec. He actually reached out to me some weeks ago. Due to COVID and "other factors" I have not seen, nor barely spoken to my own brother in a civil manner since 2019. I wonder if it's about Papa Trisec. He'll be turning 89 next March. Oh, he's still in good health for an 89-year-old, and in fact is still playing music with the Melrose Symphony. But the reality is he doesn't have very many holidays left here.
So we make the most of what we have this year.
And finally - well, I thought we'd be home yesterday; I guess I've actually picked up one of Javi's habits on the calendar...there are some weeks where I have no idea what day it is. This was one of those weeks. It's Christmas Eve - Blogger Joe will be hanging out with us here tonight. I'll post a report later.
Have the best Christmas Eve that you can - and the blessings of Allah be upon us all!