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The Wildcat Way
Author: TriSec    Date: 05/06/2023 11:00:49

Twenty-one years ago, Mrs. TriSec and I were home with a new baby for just 72 hours. 'twas a rather epic odyssey at the time, and it's been recounted in these pages before.

We did all the things - school, Scouts, church, sports. Somehow, these things all worked out.

Today marks the latest chapter in Javier's journey.


In just a few hours, we'll be at the Providence Civic Center with somewhere around 2,000 other graduating students and their families as Javi gets a wee little piece of paper that will make him an official college graduate. Academically, he's also graduating Summa Cum Laude. I've been joking on my tour recently that in this case, that apple has fallen FAR from the tree - but I digress.

Unlike his father, it seems like Javi has had a plan since the age of 14. Everything he's aimed at, he's managed to hit. Eagle Scout, National Honor Society, getting into the college he wanted, Disney - it's all been a success. So now he's already got his own apartment, and he somehow managed to find a girlfriend along the way. While no announcement came last night at the formal dinner that they hosted, I'm sure there's a wedding on the horizon. Certainly at a time of their own choosing.

And so - Ol' TriSec, he of Bunker Hill Community College, class of 1988, salutes the new generation as the next page is turned and Javi sets off on his next phase.



2 comments (Latest Comment: 05/08/2023 12:40:11 by Raine)
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