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Author: Raine    Date: 03/18/2010 12:42:43

I want to thank Dennis Kucinich today. Yesterday he announced that he will be voting for the healthcare reform bill even with his objections. I've been a harsh critic of him regarding this issue, so I was happy he changed his mind, even though I also saw the anguish it caused him. Yesterday he stated:

"One of the things that has bothered me is the attempt to try to delegitimize his presidency. That hurts the nation when that happens," the Cleveland congressman said, sounding genuinely anguished. "We have to be very careful" that "President Obama's presidency not be destroyed by this debate ... Even though I have many differences with him on policy, there's something much bigger at stake here for America."

Joan Walsh at Salon writes:
Kucinich knows as well as anyone that the president is far from a socialist; he's a centrist corporatist Democrat, and that was clear back when Kucinich stood well to his left during the 2008 primaries. And even though the Cleveland progressive normally avoids partisan calculations about power and opportunity, and votes his conscience and ideology, Kucinich decided to support Obama's healthcare reform plan because right now, partisan calculations about power and opportunity actually serve his left-wing conscience and ideology.

Kucinich understands, in a way that folks like Michael Moore don't seem to, that there will be no healthcare reform for another generation if this bill doesn't pass. There will be no second Obama term either (and don't dream about lefty primary challenges -- there won't be a Democrat in the White House in 2013 if his name isn't Obama). The only thing worse than being an alleged socialist in American politics is being a weak, ineffectual socialist, and if the president and his party can't get this package passed, despite controlling the White House and a healthy majority in both houses of Congress, they will be rebuked by the voters. And maybe rightly rebuked. What better sign that a party isn't ready to govern?

I've written extensively about my disappointment with Obama and the Democrats, particularly around the healthcare reform plan. He gave Republicans and conservative Democrats too much power for too long, and he sold out early to the insurance and pharmaceutical industry. I don't like the deals Obama made, but he did what he thought he had to do. The left thinks he's wrong; we can prove that when we have a better hold on power. But we won't move the party left by abandoning Obama on healthcare (on detention and secrecy issues, I mostly have abandoned him). Like it or not, Obama is roughly at the party's center; we should work to pull him left. If progressives set him up as a right-winger to try to demonize and defeat him, they will become irrelevant.
Progressives will not only become irrelevant they will be as complicit as those on the right. It's is nice to have a voice like Ms. Walsh on board regarding this issue. She makes a fair and compelling case. Criticism is good, pushing to the left is good. Crushing the debate is dangerous. Dennis knows that and he sees what is happening in this country. When people with the power of the pen and the radio say things like this:
Shorter Kucinich: I support giving away billions to health insurance companies because we should all feel bad for poor Barack Obama. How pathetic, really.
or this:
I just realized: Calling the Professional Left "sheeple" is a serious insult to the intelligence of livestock. My sincere apologies to farm animals.
Does that sound like a progressive? In what way are comments like that helpful to bringing people into the progressive movement? How is it helpful that some progressives are actually working with Grover Norquist? People are actively working on scrapping this bill altogether because it isn't good enough. I am sick of that kind of rhetoric and venom from my side of the aisle, to be quite honest. I believe we can disagree without calling each other names, or accusing each other of being corporate sellouts, or "sheeple". It's insulting, and something I expect from the likes of the Tea Partiers. Sadly it's coming from both ends of the political spectrum. These types of statements and actions do not foster debate; they do just the opposite.

But there is more hope from the Progressive side of the aisle than the negativity. Along with Ms. Walsh, The Nation has come around.
For all these reasons, we support passage of the bill, even as we urge the progressive community to begin the struggle immediately to correct its many flaws and improve its protections. Some of this can be done quickly, via the reconciliation process. Some of it can and should be done with new legislation, such as robust public option bills by Senator Sherrod Brown and Representative Alan Grayson and proposals to expand Medicare and eliminate the health insurance industry's anti-trust exemption.

If this crucial second step is taken quickly and boldly, progressives will have an agenda and an argument for maintaining the pressure through this year's election cycle and in the years to come--when the crucial details of the reform will be implemented. Are we prepared to carry on a knock-down, drag-out fight with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries? The opposition is formidable, but there is a base for mobilization in both houses of Congress. Ultimately, our message must be that genuine reform begins, and only begins, with passage of the current legislation. It ends with achievement of the goal that should be our new battle cry: Medicare for All.

Planned Parenthood supports this bill as does NARAL. 59,000 nuns do too along with 25 pro-life Catholic theologians and Evangelical leaders. The list is growing...

I think that Dennis saw the bigger picture here, and as a result, others have followed in their support. This is why his yes vote was so critical. Healthcare reform, even with the bill we have now, is critical to not only this administration, not only to the millions of people it will help, but it's critical to our country. We can make the the bill better after the it becomes law. We can elect more progressive candidates in the midterm. BUT -- We won't be able to do either if the President and the Democrats lose Healthcare reform.



49 comments (Latest Comment: 03/19/2010 01:02:08 by livingonli)
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Comment by TriSec on 03/18/2010 13:03:17
Morning, comrades! Re-posting from last night:

I think I saw a tea party protest on the way home tonight.

I was driving through Medford Square, and there were three of them on the corner with raggedy handwritten signs...

"Honk if you don't want Obamacare"

"Impeach Obama"

"Impeach Barney Frank"

Of course, this was MEDFORD. Ed Markey's office is in Medford Square. We were maybe 15 miles away from the closest point of Barney Frank's district.

They ain't smart, is they?

Oh, and that honk thing? The silence in the square was deafening. It was like people were being extra-careful not to honk their horns today. No small feat in rush-hour traffic.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 13:06:34
that is too funny, Tri.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 13:09:21
Rockin' blog Ms Raine. That one quote from Sirota really pissed me off. I turned him off on my FB when he started the trash talk about "the failure HCR." Dickweed.

In other news I have yet to go to sleep! I am WIDE AWAKE! Soon I think will be happening. It's been a productive couple of hours since I gave up on sleeping. Emailed some recruiters, went grocery shopping, had a nice chat with the cashier about the suburban sprawl ruining the intercostal waterway down in Palm Valley.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 13:13:38
ooof. Mondo -- That bites.

I didn't want to name names 'per say' in the blog. I truly don't understand the venom.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 13:18:57
from Ezra Klein:
Dem source: CBO score says bill cuts deficit by $130 bill in first 10, $1.2 trill in second 10. Costs $940 billion in first decade.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 13:20:29
Tri, thanks for reposting that. I saw it last night thought it was hilarious then, even funnier now. When I was parking at the market, the pick up pulled next to me, he has some teabagger horseshit as bumper stickers. All I can say about the one that said "Obama's last day 1/20/13" had this sinister scowling Obama on it. Can you say scared of the Black Guy?

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 13:24:22
Quote by Raine:

ooof. Mondo -- That bites.

I didn't want to name names 'per say' in the blog. I truly don't understand the venom.

I on the other hand have no problem calling the Not So Sexy Sirota out and claim shenanigans on him!

Comment by BobR on 03/18/2010 13:30:45
Excellent blog this morning dear. I detest those that would rather stand on principle and let the country go down the toilet, than take a smaller step than they'd like and save it.

Journey of a thousand miles and small step, etc.... you know the routine.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 13:36:23
I feel Mr coming on, he's bringing his friend Mr with him. I will be back sometime after Momma. Play safe kids, be aware of stranger danger.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 13:39:11
have a good sleep mondo.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 13:47:46
Comment by wickedpam on 03/18/2010 13:59:43

Comment by Scoopster on 03/18/2010 14:06:15
Mornin all!

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 14:18:17
hey everyone! G'morning!

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 14:31:54
The Top Ten Immediate Benefits You'll Get When Health Care Reform Passes

* Prohibit pre-existing condition exclusions for children in all new plans;

* Provide immediate access to insurance for uninsured Americans who are uninsured because of a pre-existing condition through a temporary high-risk pool;

* Prohibit dropping people from coverage when they get sick in all individual plans;

* Lower seniors prescription drug prices by beginning to close the donut hole;

* Offer tax credits to small businesses to purchase coverage;

* Eliminate lifetime limits and restrictive annual limits on benefits in all plans;

* Require plans to cover an enrollee's dependent children until age 26;

* Require new plans to cover preventive services and immunizations without cost-sharing;

* Ensure consumers have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to appeal new insurance plan decisions;

* Require premium rebates to enrollees from insurers with high administrative expenditures and require public disclosure of the percent of premiums applied to overhead costs.

Comment by TriSec on 03/18/2010 14:58:16

Dem source: CBO score says bill cuts deficit by $130 bill in first 10, $1.2 trill in second 10. Costs $940 billion in first decade.

Ya know, it's not lost on me that that $940b figure is just about what the running "Cost of War" total was last week.

Comment by Scoopster on 03/18/2010 15:14:51
Quote by TriSec:

Dem source: CBO score says bill cuts deficit by $130 bill in first 10, $1.2 trill in second 10. Costs $940 billion in first decade.

Ya know, it's not lost on me that that $940b figure is just about what the running "Cost of War" total was last week.

How interesting that you bring that up, because I just read this and it's quite.. enlightning!

Comment by wickedpam on 03/18/2010 15:26:55

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 15:27:31

This guy is lying -- LYING!!!!

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 15:29:05
And guess what F*CKER. If I want an abortion I can go and get one.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 15:31:01

The health care bill that has been passed by the Senate and that will be voted on by the House will expand coverage to over 30 million uninsured Americans. While it is an imperfect measure, it is a crucial next step in realizing health care for all. It will invest in preventative care. It will bar insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. It will make crucial investments in community health centers that largely serve poor women and children. And despite false claims to the contrary, the Senate bill will not provide taxpayer funding for elective abortions. It will uphold longstanding conscience protections and it will make historic new investments – $250 million – in support of pregnant women. This is the REAL pro-life stance, and we as Catholics are all for it.

Comment by livingonli on 03/18/2010 15:44:08
Good morning everyone.

I didn't feel like getting up this morning. I think my body is still trying to adjust to the clock change. Nothing like listening to so-called right-to-lifers lie like the rest of the right-wing. Maybe we should ask the so-called "right-to-lifer" how he feels about the Death Penalty or war because he probably favors those.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 15:51:53
Quote by Scoopster:

Quote by TriSec:

Dem source: CBO score says bill cuts deficit by $130 bill in first 10, $1.2 trill in second 10. Costs $940 billion in first decade.

Ya know, it's not lost on me that that $940b figure is just about what the running "Cost of War" total was last week.

How interesting that you bring that up, because I just read this and it's quite.. enlightning!

That was clever, Scoop!

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 15:52:34
Good Morning Liv.

Comment by clintster on 03/18/2010 16:27:42
Quote by Raine:

More good news as the result of Kucinich switch! Now he's helping to whip votes!

Can I start calling it the Kuciniswich?


Comment by Scoopster on 03/18/2010 16:35:26

Doh just saw this and turned it on.. they're still talking but I missed the first 20 mins. Looks like it's about the release of the CBO cost estimates.

Comment by Scoopster on 03/18/2010 16:57:50
Comment by TriSec on 03/18/2010 17:02:56
Oog, too much Right Wing World.

I've been hearing "Demon Pass" for about a day now. Thought it was the latest talking point.

<<< Deem & Pass >>>

Comment by Scoopster on 03/18/2010 17:07:09
Republicans "pissed" that they didn't get a copy of the CBO's cost estimate

Ok.. This link is the CBO estimate for the reconciliation bill, found on the home page of the CBO website. It took me 30 seconds to use Google to get the website, go there and click on the doc link. Just typing in cbo.gov and clicking the link takes about 10 seconds.


Comment by livingonli on 03/18/2010 17:18:23
Quote by Scoopster:

Republicans "pissed" that they didn't get a copy of the CBO's cost estimate

Ok.. This link is the CBO estimate for the reconciliation bill, found on the home page of the CBO website. It took me 30 seconds to use Google to get the website, go there and click on the doc link. Just typing in cbo.gov and clicking the link takes about 10 seconds.


They don't like facts because they have a liberal bias. No wonder why they are trying to change what's taught in the Texas textbooks.

Comment by wickedpam on 03/18/2010 17:19:55
Quote by TriSec:

Oog, too much Right Wing World.

I've been hearing "Demon Pass" for about a day now. Thought it was the latest talking point.

<<< Deem & Pass >>>

Don't feel bad, I did too

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 17:56:36
Quote by Scoopster:

Republicans "pissed" that they didn't get a copy of the CBO's cost estimate

Ok.. This link is the CBO estimate for the reconciliation bill, found on the home page of the CBO website. It took me 30 seconds to use Google to get the website, go there and click on the doc link. Just typing in cbo.gov and clicking the link takes about 10 seconds.

That talking point is over... here is the new one:

New GOP Spin: Health Reform Might Cut Deficits, but Not Enough

to which is EASY to DEBUNK: They were braggin' about their CBO score last November -- it came in at 68 billion. SO -- Suck it Republicans.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 18:39:46
Quote by TriSec:

Oog, too much Right Wing World.

I've been hearing "Demon Pass" for about a day now. Thought it was the latest talking point.

<<< Deem & Pass >>>

When I first heard that I thought the same thing.

I am awake sorta. The nap helped a bit I have woken up jangly and weirdly wired. I will be getting to bed early tonight.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 18:46:46
It's not Deem and Pass -- that is a RW/Frank Luntz-like term. (so we would all take a negative connotation from it) it is called the Self Execution rule.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 19:08:32
Quote by Raine:

It's not Deem and Pass -- that is a RW/Frank Luntz-like term. (so we would all take a negative connotation from it) it is called the Self Execution rule.

Why thankee Ms Raine.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 19:11:02
Quote by Mondobubba:

Quote by Raine:

It's not Deem and Pass -- that is a RW/Frank Luntz-like term. (so we would all take a negative connotation from it) it is called the Self Execution rule.

Why thankee Ms Raine.
I am trying to find where this Deem and Pass term originated. 2 congress critters (one on the Momma show this Morning) have said there is no such thing --

They are correct -- It's not called that, so SOMEONE decided to come up with that term.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 19:11:15
In some non-healthcare related news, Rep Steven Cohen is the coolest member of congress right now. He took time today to remember Alex Chilton on the floor of the Senate.

Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 19:12:34
Quote by Raine:

Quote by Mondobubba:

Quote by Raine:

It's not Deem and Pass -- that is a RW/Frank Luntz-like term. (so we would all take a negative connotation from it) it is called the Self Execution rule.

Why thankee Ms Raine.
I am trying to find where this Deem and Pass term originated. 2 congress critters (one on the Momma show this Morning) have said there is no such thing --

They are correct -- It's not called that, so SOMEONE decided to come up with that term.

Larry O'Donnell mentioned "deem and pass" and called it by the right term on Countdown last night, I think.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 19:13:48
The GOP is also calling it the Slaughter Rule.

We really need to stop calling this anything other that the Self Executing Rule.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 19:16:50
Comment by Mondobubba on 03/18/2010 19:27:34
Quote by Raine:

The GOP is also calling it the Slaughter Rule.

We really need to stop calling this anything other that the Self Executing Rule.

Here is a thing about Self Executing Rule. Also explains why they are calling the Slaughter Rule. Douches.

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 20:49:03
Quote by Mondobubba:

Quote by Raine:

The GOP is also calling it the Slaughter Rule.

We really need to stop calling this anything other that the Self Executing Rule.

Here is a thing about Self Executing Rule. Also explains why they are calling the Slaughter Rule. Douches.

Yup. Glad you found that, I was looking for that link.

I have been trying to tell everyone that the GOP is going to do everything to make muddy water this week.

Comment by livingonli on 03/18/2010 21:28:54
Someone really needs to bitch slap these right-wingers with their corrupting the English language and throwing misleading terms to poison the debate.

Who heard Randi today when she was in the Fox News den last night before the correspondents dinner where they were either apologizing to her for what Fox News does or they were completely shitfaced by 7:30 in the evening?

Comment by Raine on 03/18/2010 22:03:50
Quote by livingonli:

Someone really needs to bitch slap these right-wingers with their corrupting the English language and throwing misleading terms to poison the debate.

Who heard Randi today when she was in the Fox News den last night before the correspondents dinner where they were either apologizing to her for what Fox News does or they were completely shitfaced by 7:30 in the evening?

I did! I would have loved to be her wing gal!

I never knew that Michelle was a little short lady.

Comment by Raine on 03/19/2010 00:21:30
As I watch Keith tonite, I must say I take personal umbrage -- and feel a certain amount of anger by seeing this comment from a 'progressive'
Should we "trust" progressive lawmakers 2 fulfill new promises 2 later fix/improve hlthcre after breaking their pub opt promises? Hmm...

I am pissed. I am really pissed. The same person also said:

Have any of the progs who promised a no vote for pub-option-free hlth cre bothered to explain the reversal? Or do we now just accept lying?

Comment by livingonli on 03/19/2010 01:02:08
Some people are just bitter. I think it's still a goal to be strived for. I may have wished for more than baby steps, but at this point if it whips the insurance companies out of the greed cycle, then we might have something.