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Pass the Koolaide
Author: BobR    Date: 05/26/2010 12:42:43

In recent days, the backwash from Rand Paul's verbal diarrhea has been all over the news. After claiming that he did not support the portion of the civil rights act that applied to private business (which was where a major portion of the correction needed to happen), he was excoriated by the media (FOX News excepted), and even criticized by some Republicans as extreme. When RNC chairman Michael Steele says you don't represent the positions of the party, then you are in trouble.

What Rand Paul has done, however, is to give us a peek inside the New Republican philosophy that borrows heavily from Libertarianism, where government interference is minimized, even when it is the morally correct thing to do. That sounds good when addressing tea partiers, but it and their "let's get back to the Constitution" position bumps up against reality when they start legislating.

Once again, the governor of my new home state is showing us just how insane he is by not only signing into law a bill to permit schools to teach gun safety to grades K-5, but he struck a provision that allowed government entities to do the teaching, essentially handing it to the NRA. Apparently the 2nd amendment isn't enough for the gun nuts, apparently bringing guns into bars isn't enough - now they want to bring guns into elementary school classrooms. How long before they require guns to be given to babies as soon as they exit the womb?

Arizona is trying to up the ante on its already hate-fueled laws by doubling down and going completely unConstitutional. Since the birth of our country (and indeed - the world over), we've always made the distinction that someone born in the United States is an American citizen. This was ultimately codified in the 14th Amendment. AZ, however, is trying to pass a bill to deny citizenship to children born in the USA of illegal immigrants. Of course it will not pass the smell test the first time it's challenged in court (assuming it's passed into law, which is fairly likely, given Arizona's recent history). I assume there's some financial frustration as these children end up on food stamps; perhaps Arizona could roll back the child labor laws as well so they can start picking lettuce at an earlier age...

With this John Bircher mindset taking over the Republican party (as it becomes inundated with the Tea spill), you could expect that Republicans who don't toe the line will become pariahs. We've seen that already in the primaries; hence, Rand Paul's successful bid. However, even incumbent tea party politicians are suspect. It was the Tea Party, after all, that helped push Scott Brown into the office formerly held by Ted Kennedy. They are turning on him, however, for voting with Dems on a couple important bills. They sent him to DC to stop progress, damn it, not allow it to happen! Not to worry, though. Sen Brown (R-MA) has announced he'll be voting against the repeal of DADT. I guess sometimes government intervention (kicking gays out of the military) IS a good thing to these folks.

The primaries are still rolling, though, and they're still good for a few anecdotes. As we know, sometimes a candidate will use a song in their campaign ads. One would assume they got permission from the artist first, but apparently not in Charlie Crist's case. He used Talking Head's "Road to Nowhere" in an ad attacking Marco Rubio. Talking Head songwriter David Byrne was not amused, and has sued Crist. He's not just asking for performance royalties, though - he's suing for defamation of character. Ouch...

The weirdest one, though, is Chuck DeVore's ad. He's running against Barbara Boxer in a quixotic campaign to unseat her. In his ad, he claims to have "served" with Jack Bauer, the protagonist of the series "24". Although it's certainly tongue-in-cheek, it does "send a message" to those who like the tactics used in the show (ie: torture), in a very dog whistle kind of way.

SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan once voiced her wariness of Conservatives back in 1987, before they all drank the Koolaide. I wonder what she thinks of them now?


35 comments (Latest Comment: 05/27/2010 00:47:57 by TriSec)
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Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 13:11:19

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 13:11:54
Bobber, I don;t know how you can cram so much nutty goodness in a blog.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/26/2010 13:20:16

Comment by Scoopster on 05/26/2010 13:20:20
Comment by wickedpam on 05/26/2010 13:22:03
what are the dogs going to do? They don't have opposible thumbs for anything

Comment by wickedpam on 05/26/2010 13:24:56
I believe Liv said that yesterday

All Hail Geek Week!

Comment by TriSec on 05/26/2010 13:26:41
Greetings, comrades!

Pass the Castrol!

Comment by Scoopster on 05/26/2010 13:27:29
Quote by TriSec:

Greetings, comrades!

Pass the Castrol!

Not until you put out that cigar!

Comment by TriSec on 05/26/2010 13:30:37
Scott Brown is an interesting case.

For part of the campaign, he said he was going down to be "the 41st vote". But he also said he wouldn't always vote with the party, and would put Massachusetts first, even if it means siding with the other side every now and again.

I think he's made a lot of wrong choices so far....but so far he has also apparently kept some of his campaign promises. He wasn't truly a "Tea Party" candidate...they latched onto him because it was the seat formerly held by Kennedy.

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 13:43:38

It's this kind of information that I wish more people knew about.

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 13:46:26
This would be funnier if it weren't taxpayer funded.
"End Child Labor Laws," suggests one helpful participant. "We coddle children too much. They need to spend their youth in the factories."

"How about if Congress actually do thier job and VET or Usurper in Chief, Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen in any way," recommends another. "That fake so called birth certificate is useless."

"A 'teacher' told my child in class that dolphins were mammals and not fish!" a third complains. "And the same thing about whales! We need TRADITIONAL VALUES in all areas of education. If it swims in the water, it is a FISH. Period! End of Story."

House Republicans, meet the World Wide Web.

GOP leaders seemed to have something else in mind as they rolled out their new site. "I would expect the ideas that come out of this Web site and the involvement of our members will lead to ideas that we can attempt to implement today," House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) proclaimed. "We want to continue to offer better solutions to address the problems that America is facing, and we see this as a giant step forward, directly engaging the American people in the development of those solutions."

Such as?

"Build a castle-style wall along the border, there is plenty of stone laying around about there." That was in the "national security" section of the new site.

"Legalize Marijuana, cause, like, alcohol is legal. Man. Also." That was in the "traditional values" sect

Comment by TriSec on 05/26/2010 14:14:18
Say now, how about we went the other way on DADT and require that only gays and lesbians serve?

Barring that, how about a clause that during wartime, every eligible-age child of all elected officials (Yes, all the way down to the local level) be automatically drafted until the war is over?

Comment by wickedpam on 05/26/2010 14:33:52
so we need to just use Dawn?

Comment by livingonli on 05/26/2010 14:35:10
Good morning everyone.

If Momma had used a line of mine, I wish I was up to catch it. With my work schedule, getting up early to catch the show is usually not possible.

Comment by TriSec on 05/26/2010 14:36:05
I fear I might be a neo-con. I kinda agree with sending the military to the border.

Shouldn't the army be spending more time "defending the borders" as it were, instead of gallavanting around the world sticking its nose in everyone else's business?

But I digress.

(BTW, that should be both ways, where are the troops for Maine, Vermont, Michigan, Montana, etc?)

Comment by wickedpam on 05/26/2010 14:38:18
Quote by livingonli:

Good morning everyone.

If Momma had used a line of mine, I wish I was up to catch it. With my work schedule, getting up early to catch the show is usually not possible.

Someone from the live blog, I guess called in or it was someone who reads it - but they referenced Sub-Mariner instead of Aquaman for taking matters in hand in the Gulf

Comment by livingonli on 05/26/2010 14:42:13
Quote by wickedpam:

Quote by livingonli:

Good morning everyone.

If Momma had used a line of mine, I wish I was up to catch it. With my work schedule, getting up early to catch the show is usually not possible.

Someone from the live blog, I guess called in or it was someone who reads it - but they referenced Sub-Mariner instead of Aquaman for taking matters in hand in the Gulf

Love it.

Comment by livingonli on 05/26/2010 14:50:30
Sounds like Momma needs a cat if she has a rodent problem.

Comment by Scoopster on 05/26/2010 14:52:58
Quote by Raine:

This would be funnier if it weren't taxpayer funded.
"End Child Labor Laws," suggests one helpful participant. "We coddle children too much. They need to spend their youth in the factories."

"How about if Congress actually do thier job and VET or Usurper in Chief, Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen in any way," recommends another. "That fake so called birth certificate is useless."

"A 'teacher' told my child in class that dolphins were mammals and not fish!" a third complains. "And the same thing about whales! We need TRADITIONAL VALUES in all areas of education. If it swims in the water, it is a FISH. Period! End of Story."

House Republicans, meet the World Wide Web.

GOP leaders seemed to have something else in mind as they rolled out their new site. "I would expect the ideas that come out of this Web site and the involvement of our members will lead to ideas that we can attempt to implement today," House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) proclaimed. "We want to continue to offer better solutions to address the problems that America is facing, and we see this as a giant step forward, directly engaging the American people in the development of those solutions."

Such as?

"Build a castle-style wall along the border, there is plenty of stone laying around about there." That was in the "national security" section of the new site.

"Legalize Marijuana, cause, like, alcohol is legal. Man. Also." That was in the "traditional values" sect

Can we trade the dolphin = fish lady to Mexico for a couple hardworking fieldhands?

Comment by livingonli on 05/26/2010 14:54:08
Quote by Scoopster:

Quote by Raine:

This would be funnier if it weren't taxpayer funded.
"End Child Labor Laws," suggests one helpful participant. "We coddle children too much. They need to spend their youth in the factories."

"How about if Congress actually do thier job and VET or Usurper in Chief, Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen in any way," recommends another. "That fake so called birth certificate is useless."

"A 'teacher' told my child in class that dolphins were mammals and not fish!" a third complains. "And the same thing about whales! We need TRADITIONAL VALUES in all areas of education. If it swims in the water, it is a FISH. Period! End of Story."

House Republicans, meet the World Wide Web.

GOP leaders seemed to have something else in mind as they rolled out their new site. "I would expect the ideas that come out of this Web site and the involvement of our members will lead to ideas that we can attempt to implement today," House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) proclaimed. "We want to continue to offer better solutions to address the problems that America is facing, and we see this as a giant step forward, directly engaging the American people in the development of those solutions."

Such as?

"Build a castle-style wall along the border, there is plenty of stone laying around about there." That was in the "national security" section of the new site.

"Legalize Marijuana, cause, like, alcohol is legal. Man. Also." That was in the "traditional values" sect

Can we trade the dolphin = fish lady to Mexico for a couple hardworking fieldhands?

I didn't look but I assume there is also a push to teach creationism.

Comment by livingonli on 05/26/2010 15:18:30
Mike Papantonio has certainly been making the rounds these days.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/26/2010 15:22:56

Comment by Mondobubba on 05/26/2010 15:47:51
Busy morning so far ugh. Bobber, thanks for picking up my favorite story from yesterday; David Byrne v. Crist. What part of copyright law don't these property rights loving Indepenpublicans not understand?

Comment by TriSec on 05/26/2010 15:53:56
Some better news on the political front in MA...

Deval Patrick increases his lead.

A year ago, he was looking like a one-termer.

Governor Deval Patrick continues to hold a lead over his three challengers in the governor’s race, with rival Timothy P. Cahill stuck deep in third place, according to a new Suffolk University/7News poll.

In the poll, Patrick won support from 42 percent of respondents, compared with 29 percent for Republican Charles D. Baker and 14 percent for Cahill, the state treasurer who is running as an independent. Green-Rainbow candidate Jill Stein picked up 8 percent, while 7 percent of voters said they were undecided.

The findings affirm the results of a poll two weeks ago by Rasmussen Reports, which provided the first indication that Patrick, who was seen as struggling to win reelection, had picked up steam, while Cahill had slipped badly following a barrage of negative ads from the Republican Governors Association.

The Rasmussen poll, which did not include Stein, showed Patrick at 45 percent, Baker at 31 percent, and Cahill at 14 percent.

David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, said the latest poll shows Cahill’s decline has been a “clear net positive’’ for Patrick, even though past polling data indicated Baker would pick up most former Cahill voters.

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 17:36:23

Can we PLEASE get out of cloud crazy KooKoo land already?

Comment by Scoopster on 05/26/2010 18:11:51
This was posted on a well-trafficked forum earlier today...

This is our revenge for the Declaration of Independence.

We wanted to serve it cold - 5000ft underwater cold.

Enjoy our oil suckers.

Yours Sincerely

The British People, via British Petroleum.

Comment by TriSec on 05/26/2010 18:23:47


Happy Birthday, Miles...wherever you are.

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 18:36:48
Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 18:37:59
Quote by Scoopster:

This was posted on a well-trafficked forum earlier today...

This is our revenge for the Declaration of Independence.

We wanted to serve it cold - 5000ft underwater cold.

Enjoy our oil suckers.

Yours Sincerely

The British People, via British Petroleum.
That is brutal --

Comment by Scoopster on 05/26/2010 18:42:11
Welp.. "top kill" has begun..

Live video feed (CNN)

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 19:00:02
In case you have not heard -- BP began the Top Kill attempt about an hour ago.

I posted this on FB, but I really think people should watch this video -- just to see Hayward, I think the man gets it --

HE looks like he aged 20 years since the other day when he FINALLY visited the Gulf coast.

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 19:02:15
Quote by Scoopster:

Welp.. "top kill" has begun..

Live video feed (CNN)

I should have refreshed before I posted, Scoop.

My heart is in my mouth. They say it will take a few days before we know if this works -- but to tell you a truth -- if it doesn't -- the results could be even worse than what we have now.

That said, I saw on a CNN breaking news link that the Federal government actually gave final approval for this to go forward.

Comment by Raine on 05/26/2010 19:17:51
Art Linkletter -- RIP

97 years is a good long life.

Comment by livingonli on 05/26/2010 20:16:28
Randi's saying that the BP link to see the effort doesn't work. Gee, why am I not surprised?

Comment by TriSec on 05/27/2010 00:47:57
Remote is ready for a workout tonight....Sux, Celts, and Mythbusters!