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Author: velveeta jones    Date: 08/29/2010 12:28:27

The Tea Party wants to overthrow our government and install one that is run by them under their strict laws. A small government, so small in fact that no “social” programs would exist, including anything that they see as an entitlement program. They consider public education, healthcare and social security to be included under that umbrella. I have yet to hear from them if they consider returning vets as entitled to receive disability of any kind.

I’m describing here the Tea Party extremist, not the blind followers who claim to be moderate. Not the ones that really just want a peaceful life with their family and abhor violence. These people are just pawns for the Taliban extremists. Their lives are based in fear and so their reactions are based on fear even though they believe that they are doing God’s work.

The radical extremists Tea Party see’s a country that is governed by religious leaders; where every person and business must operate under their strict interpretation of Sharia law. They are reverse idealists. For them, the end justifies the means and they are willing to sacrifice any person, including themselves to achieve their goals of purity and intolerance. Frightened people cannot stand tolerance; they live in desperate fear of people that are different or think differently. Creativity, for example, is a sin under the Taliban laws. Intuition is paramount to witchcraft which is pure evil.

The Tea Party elite, not the followers, do not want a free exchange of ideas. Democracy is the Taliban’s greatest threat and so a closed mind will keep them away from evil influences and thus assure them to Heaven.

Women are a threat because they possess the power to create life. They are also more likely to be peaceful and creative and intuitive and nurturing; all qualities that show weakness in the eyes of the religious extremist. That power in women scares them.

The best way to fight these extremists is not through violence – rather to expose the hypocrisy of their beliefs. They believe that Obama is a Muslim and/or not American. They believe he wants to destroy this country with his “Obamacare”. Yet they also picked on his Christian church that he attended many years ago. They see their fellow Americans being denied health care, or, going into debt if they do receive healthcare, and complaining that this is a problem in our country.

Well, it seems I’ve mixed up the Taliban and the Teabaggers. But really, what difference is there? One perverts the Koran and the other the Bible. The largest difference is that the Taliban is an all-male club and the tea party, so far, has included many female leaders.
The Taliban and the Tea Party are both scared of minorities or anyone they see as “outsiders”.

They both believe in repressing and punishing those that believe or behave differently.

They both want to impose strict interpretive laws on the land.

They both fear democracy.

Both groups do not condone violence even though they may say they do.

Both groups believe the end justifies the means, whether it’s to break their own law by growing opium to sell so they can arm themselves to create war or to break Gods Commandments and trample on a sacred American document so they can put people in fear and create a war.

No difference.


3 comments (Latest Comment: 08/29/2010 17:35:44 by livingonli)
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Comment by AuntAzalea on 08/29/2010 14:10:35
Velveeta is off on assignment and asked me to post the blog she wrote this morning- I sure hope it posted.

Another good one by VJ, and I can't wait to read next weeks after she gathers info from her mystery assignment.

Comment by BobR on 08/29/2010 17:20:39
I think the title of this blog says it all.

Comment by livingonli on 08/29/2010 17:35:44
That it does. The far-righties denouncing the "Islamic terrorists" (aka anyone Islamic) have more in common with Al-Qaeda than they think. During the Bush years, most of the regressive measures towards women and gays like restricting abortions and other reactionary tenets were being supported by the Bush Administration through UN reps like Bolton and many of the most reactionary Islamic theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia.