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Saturday in the Bark Park
Author: clintster    Date: 10/01/2011 16:24:10

So here we are, the first day of October. Before we begin celebrating the month of Columbus, Halloween, and the World Series, I want to get a few things off my chest that I've been storing up for a while.

    First, I have to mention that I have noticed an increase in "talking point" posts on Facebook; you know, the kind that used to be restricted to Aunt Gertie's FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: e-mails. Between signs lamenting "no Hope and no Cash" and fifth-hand stories about a fourth-grader challenging the "smug teacher" over the existence of God, I feel like FB has been taken over by Freepers.

    As I type this, the current media darling amongst the GOP Presidential contenders is Herman Cain. Of course the fact that he "won" a straw poll to warrant this attention doesn't faze those who predict that he (unlike Bachmann, Perry, Gingrich, RONPAUL, etc.) is the one who can unseat Barack Obama in 2012. It's very likely, though, that the "Hermentum" will run dry once people realize that he's about as likely to stop Obama as Alan Keyes was for the US Senate in 2004.

    I am kind of a divided mind regarding the Republican nomination. On the one hand, I would like to see the nomination go to Huntsman or even (God help me) Romney, just to see that the GOP was heading back to a more relatively sane position. On the other hand, the prospect of a bat guano-crazy person holding the Republicans' banner aloft makes me think this might be just the thing to tip public opinion away from them and the Tea Party for good. What to do, what to do?

    Happy 87th Birthday to President Jimmy Carter. I was a proud Georgian when you were elected, I was a proud American when you left office doing everything you could to earn the release of the hostages in Tehran, and I am a proud human being after seeing your good works worldwide in the 30 years since that time. Let the haters hate; in my heart, I know you were and are one of history's great good men.

Before I leave you, here is a little something for you from my little guy. He sang "This Land Is Your Land" for his school talent show and did pretty good for a 7-year old. Enjoy!


3 comments (Latest Comment: 10/01/2011 22:22:27 by Raine)
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Comment by livingonli on 10/01/2011 18:12:51
Fristy Pants!

Comment by BobR on 10/01/2011 22:20:56
Good job Ian! - Great pitch!

Comment by Raine on 10/01/2011 22:22:27
Clint! think Ian did wonderful! I have a big happy Aunt Bunny Grin on my face!

And thank you for a spot on blog today.


(we have arrived, and are busy unwinding -- will probably take a beach stroll this evening.) HAppy weekend everyone.