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Heart of a Cheney
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 03/25/2012 13:51:25

Be afraid, be very afraid. Dick Cheney now has a heart. Now, if only he had courage and a brain! Also, the capacity for honesty, compassion, love, tolerance, and justice; but sadly, those things are not for sale, no matter who you are.

But, let's be happy for Dick, after all he needed a new heart because as he said back in Jan of this year, the pump that worked perfectly fine and kept him alive made it "awkward to walk around."

Oh dear GOD! We don't want the former VP to feel awkard! That is reserved for teenagers going through puberty and women who've accidentally tucked their skirt into their panty-hose after leaving the restroom.

Thankfully, Dick will now live maybe another 5 to 7 years with this expensive little procedure that we paid for. According to the Associated Press, more than 70 percent of heart transplant recipients live at least five years, but the rate is lower for people over 65.

And how many people, many under 65, did Dicky-poo jump over? According to the United Network for Organ Sharing,there are more than 3,100 Americans currently are on the national waiting list. I wonder how many of them are in worse shape than Dick?

Also according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, more than 2,300 heart transplants were performed last year, and that 332 people of them were for people over age 65. Last year, 330 people died while waiting for a transplant.

Well, I sure hope that Rushy and his ilk are equally pissed off that our tax dollars paid for this. After all, I don't need a heart transplant, (crossing fingers) so why should I have to pay for him to have a beating heart? What's he doing with all that blood flow? He sounds like a .... a..... well, um.... a jock. Yes, that's it! Only someone who was constantly playing sports would need to have sooooo much blood flowing and beating and such! He's a JOCK. A veritable PRO (fessinal athlete). He's playing hoops all night long in some seedy bar!

Yeah, I dunno.

The Tin Man once sang:

When a man's an empty kettle
He should be on his mettle
And yet I'm torn apart
Just because I'm presumin'
That I could be a human
If I only had a heart

I just hope he got the heart of a rabid Socialist. A black Muslim one at that!

8 comments (Latest Comment: 03/26/2012 00:46:41 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by trojanrabbit on 03/25/2012 14:26:54
If it means he lives long enough to slip up and visit another country where he's arrested as a war criminal, I guess it's a good thing.

Otherwi$e, I can't under$tand why a 71 year old man with heart and circulatory $y$tem problem$ would be approved for a heart implantation procedure.

Comment by TriSec on 03/25/2012 15:04:35
Clearly, the "death panel" missed an opportunity here.

Comment by trojanrabbit on 03/25/2012 16:09:34
When it was in the 80's last week I was looking forward to sitting outside, resting and getting a bit of sun, but of course now that it's the weekend it's raining and in the 40's. I'll just have to settle for nodding off on the sofa being visited occasionally by shedding cats.

This chamber business has stressed me out and given me a constant headache. The chamber company's area sales manager and operations director are visiting Wednesday to look things over and plan how they're going to troubleshoot and fix whatever problem the chamber has. I don't doubt that it will get fixed (because I have the ultimate hammer, they don't get paid until it's done right), just means a lot of extra hours.

But I'm working at a job I like, just got a good review, we're doing relatively well, so I need to count my blessings.

Comment by livingonli on 03/25/2012 17:06:35
It does look like Cheney and W are in the same boat as Kissinger and can't travel abroad out of fear that they will be busted as war criminals a la Pinochet. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of scum and villainy.

Comment by BobR on 03/25/2012 17:24:43
The thing that pisses me off most about this is what you pointed out - why does a 71 year old man with a history of heart disease get a heart, when many younger people could've gotten a lot more years out of it?

And paid for with government-provided healthcare, that damn socialist.

I preferred when his lack of heartbeat was the perfect reflection of his lack of soul.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 03/25/2012 22:19:36
Quote by BobR:
The thing that pisses me off most about this is what you pointed out - why does a 71 year old man with a history of heart disease get a heart, when many younger people could've gotten a lot more years out of it?

And paid for with government-provided healthcare, that damn socialist.

I preferred when his lack of heartbeat was the perfect reflection of his lack of soul.

I was surprised that Cheney qualified for the list. He does not seem like a good candidate for this procedure, but maybe I do not understand the standards.

Comment by TriSec on 03/25/2012 23:02:44
Most transplant recipients have to take pills and worry about organ rejection for the rest of their lives. In Mr. Cheney's case, I believe he should be worried about that heart doing a host rejection.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 03/26/2012 00:46:41
In some good news, WCPT is now carrying Ring of Fire from 7 PM to 10 PM Central. So, we did not lose the show, as I feared.