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Really Maine GOP? Really?
Author: Mondobubba    Date: 10/08/2012 13:17:51

Maine GOP attacks Democratic state senate candidate for being an orc in WoW Really? That all you got? Way to write off the gamer vote.

6 comments (Latest Comment: 10/08/2012 14:12:57 by BobR)
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Comment by wickedpam on 10/08/2012 13:28:16

Comment by TriSec on 10/08/2012 13:35:57
erm....ya know, I know two re-enactors slightly.

One is a colonial Redcoat.

One is a WWII-era Waffen SS officer.

Both men said the same thing...."The bad guys are more fun."

And the GOP continues to sink into the abyss.

Comment by TriSec on 10/08/2012 13:44:07
I am very pleased to report that I earned this knot this weekend at SOAR.

It shall be on my uniform in time for the next meeting.

Change is coming, but as I told the gentleman that I spoke to (who in turn handed me the patch as a "friendly"), it will have to come from the bottom up. National will never change a thing; it's up to us in the trenches. If enough scouts and scouters "get it" (which I think most of us do), it will eventually percolate up the chain as the volunteers advance.

And scouts is still a mostly volunteer-run organization; there's very few Professional Scouters per capita.


Comment by Mondobubba on 10/08/2012 13:53:56
Quote by TriSec:
erm....ya know, I know two re-enactors slightly.

One is a colonial Redcoat.

One is a WWII-era Waffen SS officer.

Both men said the same thing...."The bad guys are more fun."

And the GOP continues to sink into the abyss.

You can't beat those Hugo Boss unis!

Comment by Raine on 10/08/2012 14:03:42
Comment by BobR on 10/08/2012 14:12:57
Quote by TriSec:
I am very pleased to report that I earned this knot this weekend at SOAR.

It shall be on my uniform in time for the next meeting.

Change is coming, but as I told the gentleman that I spoke to (who in turn handed me the patch as a "friendly"), it will have to come from the bottom up. National will never change a thing; it's up to us in the trenches. If enough scouts and scouters "get it" (which I think most of us do), it will eventually percolate up the chain as the volunteers advance.

And scouts is still a mostly volunteer-run organization; there's very few Professional Scouters per capita.

