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Author: velveeta jones    Date: 06/16/2013 14:33:40

So, ya'll may have noticed that I've been super busy of late. Maybe you haven't noticed. Well, I have! I miss things in the news because I've no time to watch, I only this morning learned about Syrian gas attacks. That's how busy I've been. It's going to calm down, but just a heads up, Aunt A has graciously offered to write next Sundays blog.

How busy have I been?

What the heck is "Game of Thrones"? I seriously thought it was a game like Black Ops or whatever. Every time I heard mention of it and just before my brain would then shut down, because, you know...... gamezzzzzz - I envisioned a bearded nerd in his Mom's basement dressed up in a plastic coat of arms trying to rescue some Anne Hathaway-looking princess from a dragon or what-have-you.

It's a TV show? For shit's sake, I haven't even watched the first episode of The Sopranos, and now there is already something on that's more popular? (Hmm, come to think of it, I haven't heard anyone talking about the newest Soprano's episode either...)

So, upon using the Almighty Google (Bless the Google, for it is the Google which gives us everlasting Internet, Amen) I found that this TV show has it's own Wiki page! I looked at it and almost immediately fell into a coma.

Iran had elections? I thought Armendinnerjacket was "President for Life" or whatever term they were calling his Dictatorship? Well, seems they had an election. Hasan Rowhani calls for a more open democracy! Yay for him. Maybe he'll let women speak.... when behind closed doors..... in their own home.... as long as they're alone.

Kim Kardashian had a baby? What? And possibly more accurate: Why? Or even, Who would.... oh, never mind. Seems the porn star turned reality TV hoax has found some sucker to mate with her. There are even pictures on the internet, posed pictures, of her "giving birth". I wish I was kidding. She did a photo op of her on a hospital bed pretending to give birth, while (attempting) to look glamorous.

"Ew" was heard around the world.

Sarah Palin is still around? Well, that is one thing I didn't think would change. Why would it? She's trying to stretch out her 15 minutes of fame as long as she can.

Speaking at the Faith and Freedom Conference Coalition she had this to say:
Militarily, where is our commander in chief? We’re talking now more new interventions. I say until we know what we’re doing, until we have a commander in chief who knows what he’s doing, well, let these radical Islamic countries who aren’t even respecting basic human rights, where both sides are slaughtering each other as they scream over an arbitrary red line, ‘Allah Akbar,’ I say until we have someone who knows what they’re doing, I say let Allah sort it out.

Guess she has questions as well. Wonder if she knows about KK having a baby girl?

1 comments (Latest Comment: 06/16/2013 14:43:07 by Raine)
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Comment by Raine on 06/16/2013 14:43:07
You know, Vel -- all you have to do is ask the NSA everything you've been missing.

I hope your busy is a good busy and I look forward to Aunti A next week!