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Friday sleep in
Author: BobR    Date: 05/23/2008 12:52:39

I totally forgot I had to write a blog today and overslept, and now I need to get to the doctor in five minutes.

Be back later - have fun...

8 comments (Latest Comment: 05/23/2008 13:16:27 by Raine)
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Comment by Random on 05/23/2008 12:57:15
...Well...uh...I have no response to the blog post...so I'll just open with something else entirely.

For those who have long since stopped subscribing to Air America, you may have missed a lil gem sent out by Thom Hartman yesterday talking about Hillary adn the VP slot. And for your enjoyment, I'll post that letter.

Obama - Ask Hillary First!

Air American:

The issue at hand for the Democratic Party for winning in ‘08 is not losing to McCain but losing to a divided Democratic party. The first thing Obama should do if nominated is put Hillary on the ticket. Will the Republicans have a field day with her on the ticket? Yes! Is their some bad blood in the water due to some negative campaign strategies on the part of the Clintons? Probably. Can Hillary be a tough fighter able to play tough allowing Obama to stay higher above the fray? Yes!

Howard Dean said a few months ago that the loser will be the most important person in the Democratic presidential run this year. Hillary's legacy in this 08 election could place her as the healer and bring together a united Democratic party. As a winning ticket they also move this country closer to healing the racial and misogynist undertones that still have roots.

Can you picture Denver with Hillary's delegates close to half of all delegates demanding that she be included on the ticket? To some it's a crusade. If Hillary was the one out ahead - by just a little over half - wouldn't Obama supporters want the same?

Obama's offer and Hillary's acceptance of an Obama/Clinton ticket hold the healing and the power to move this country in the direction of the real change in Washington that Obama talks about. First he must bring the Democrats back together again.

Obama - ask Hillary first. And if she should say no, the offer would still have a unifying affect.

--Thom Hartmann

Comment by velveeta jones on 05/23/2008 13:04:41
Great Random: I've got something else:

STOCKTON, Calif. -- Republican John McCain on Thursday rejected endorsements from two influential but controversial televangelists, saying there is no place for their incendiary criticisms of other faiths.

McCain rejected the months-old endorsement of Texas preacher John Hagee after an audio recording surfaced in which the preacher said God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land. McCain called the comment "crazy and unacceptable."

He later repudiated the support of Rod Parsley, an Ohio preacher who has sharply criticized Islam and called the religion inherently violent.

McCain issued a statement Thursday afternoon announcing his decision about Hagee.

"Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well," he said.

Later, in Stockton, he told reporters: "I just think that the statement is crazy and unacceptable."

This is the headline from HuffPo............. Discuss!

Comment by livingonli on 05/23/2008 13:09:03
It looks like mfaye also posted a blog. I guess we can shuffle over there.

Comment by Random on 05/23/2008 13:10:46

I figured i'd add somethign for once.

Comment by velveeta jones on 05/23/2008 13:11:11
I agree with Thom on some points. I really don't want to see an Obama/Clinton ticket, but Thom does make some very valid points............ as usual.

Personally, I think It'd be nice to see an Obama/Hartmann ticket!!


(On an unrelated note, Mondo had me on "high alert" for Zombie activity last night. Dammit.)

Comment by livingonli on 05/23/2008 13:12:40
At least you didn't have to worry about the Marvel Zombies. They can still use their superpowers and talk even though they are dead.

Comment by Random on 05/23/2008 13:16:17
Quote by livingonli:

At least you didn't have to worry about the Marvel Zombies. They can still use their superpowers and talk even though they are dead.

You haven't faced anything like those infected by the T or G viruses.

Comment by Raine on 05/23/2008 13:16:27
Good morning.. :yawn:

Interesting point that Thom has there.

I still do not know how I feel about it considering her campaign tactics as of late.