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Who Run the World? Girls.
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 09/27/2015 14:44:05

It's hot up in here DJ
Don't be scared to run this-run this back
I'm rapping for the girls who taking over the world
Help me raise a glass for the college grads
41 rolling to let you know what time it is, check
You can't hold me
I work my 9 to 5, better cut my check

This goes out to all the women getting it in you're on your grind
To other men that respect what I do please accept my shine
Boy you know you love it how we're smart enough to make these millions
Strong enough to bear the children then get back to business

(virtually unknown woman named "Beyonce")

I stayed home on a rainy Saturday night last night and learned something. 62 MILLION Girls are not in school. And they're not drop-outs looking to get high on weed either; they're girls who cannot get an education for one reason or another. Maybe they're not allowed as in many extreme theocracies or they are unable due to extreme poverty. SIXTY-TWO MILLION! That's a lot of girls who will become women and who will remain imprisoned either by religious zealots or poverty.

It all started as I sat down last night to catch up on my neglected correspondence and the TV on in the background to some news station. News had been good lately because the Pope in town which meant there was zero talk of Trump. On this particular evening they were showing some outdoor concert with a collection of music interspersed with world leaders. Well at some point I had to look up, and I won't lie, it was during Beyonce's performance. I'm not a fan - I don't know most of her music - but the show was pretty amazing. And she was followed by another powerful woman, Michelle Obama.

And I learned this:
Let Girls Learn is a U.S. government-wide initiative launched by the President and First Lady that seeks to help the more than 62 million girls around the world who are not in school– half of whom are adolescent – go to school and stay in school. These girls have diminished economic opportunities and are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, early and forced marriage, and other forms of violence. Yet, when a girl receives a quality education, she is more likely to earn a decent living, raise a healthy, educated family, and improve the quality of life for herself, her family, and her community.
A key part of Let Girls Learn is to encourage and support community-led solutions to reduce barriers that prevent adolescent girls from completing their education.
To take action and learn more, visit letgirlslearn.peacecorps.gov.

There's a lot of info on this at the website and I encourage everyone reading this to go there and learn more. You can also host a film screening in your community and I think I will do it. Here's the trailer for the film:

62 fucking MILLION! That's a number I sure like to see changed in my lifetime. As a "mother" to a young woman I find it one of the most important things to change. Because women raise the kids that will change the world. Who runs the world? Mother (yeah) GIRLS!

2 comments (Latest Comment: 09/27/2015 17:46:05 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by BobR on 09/27/2015 16:01:15
Velveeta - I updated your blog to embed the video. The format of the URL is pretty particular for YouTube videos.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 09/27/2015 17:46:05
Velveeta, thanks for a great blog. Too often, young women do not have the same oppportunities as men in their societies.