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Glorious Night!
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 04/29/2018 16:52:24

After a spectacular phone appearance on Fox And Friends, the President deserved a night out with MILLIONS of his fans. Last night he flew to Washington Michigan to deliver a rousing speech about all his accomplishments. The speech ran 6 and a half hours long, and he really didn't get to tout every great thing he's done. What I want to know is, why do these fake news people plan a party in DC on the same time that the President is out of town? It's like they didn't learn from last year. What morons.

I didn't watch the White House Correspondents Dinner and it's a good thing. I hear the "comic" was a rather bawdy woman who by all accounts can't get a man and is jealous of those who can (Sarah Sanders). I also heard that she made fun of the President! No one should be allowed to make jokes about the President, well not this particular one. It was okay when it was Obama because no one care's about him and frankly he would just laugh at the jokes. Maybe he didn't understand them? But for the media, the "free press" to do this is, well, it should be criminal.

What kind of country are we that we let people say almost anything they want? Look at a place like China, Turkmenistan, Venezuela and even North Korea all these countries are able to stop their press from saying negative things about their leaders, but for some reason we here in the most powerful nation in the Universe can't get that done. I know President Trump is working on it, don't you worry.

Anyway, while this Michelle Wolf was talking about pussy hats and porn stars and other disgusting things our great leader spoke about all the things he's done and continues to do. He's sure to get the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm also sure that he'll win it every year after that and eventually they'll just rename it the Trump Prize. Are they already gold?

2 comments (Latest Comment: 04/30/2018 16:52:57 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by BobR on 04/30/2018 12:52:06

Comment by Will in Chicago on 04/30/2018 16:52:57
I am weary of journalists who fear having their access cut off by someone who talks of jailing them.

I find it fitting that my last unit - 1984 - begins in my classes this week.

On a lesser note, I am going to have another mechanic look at my car. It may be time to replace it.