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Fever Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 03/13/2020 13:08:47

Too soon?

I hasten to laugh at everything, for fear of being obliged to weep.

~ Pierre Beaumarchais

Stay safe out there everyone!


6 comments (Latest Comment: 03/13/2020 19:09:58 by TriSec)
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Comment by wickedpam on 03/13/2020 13:22:55

Comment by TriSec on 03/13/2020 14:08:22
Nope - I was coming to post this one.

Half of Boston is closed. It's got that weird marathon bombing / manhunt vibe to it right now.

And the wind is taken completely out of our sails, BTW. We had a "disaster meeting" this morning with all our conductors. We're still operating...but it's anyone's guess as for how long.

Comment by Raine on 03/13/2020 14:47:28
Good Morning.

People are insane. I need to make my regular trip to Costco.

There were what looked like over a hundred people waiting to get in the store.

Comment by livingonli on 03/13/2020 14:57:00
It is weird that just about every activity in New York is now canceled. All we need is to close the remaining schools and businesses and we will be like Italy.

Comment by TriSec on 03/13/2020 16:43:01
Quote by Raine:
Good Morning.

People are insane. I need to make my regular trip to Costco.

There were what looked like over a hundred people waiting to get in the store.

I unfortunately needed to go to the market myself last night. Parking lot was completely full. Not a shopping cart to be found. And the market out of completely odd things.

Of course paper products and any sort of sanitizer or bleach.

Not a worthwhile piece of chicken to be found, nor pork, nor beef. But...plenty of hot dogs and sausage. Could I find a hot dog roll anywhere? All the 'good' bread was gone, but loads of store-brand white bread. There was not a single black bean of any kind to be found. Loads of bottled spaghetti sauce, but only lasagna remaining on the shelves. Plenty of produce, except weirdly...citrus. Not one lemon, lime, orange, or otherwise.

We've been through plenty of blizzards...this is a new level of batshit crazy.

Comment by TriSec on 03/13/2020 19:09:58
National Emergency, eh?

Remember the time Senator McCain suspended his campaign and flew to Washington to "work on the financial crisis"?

Yeah, that was awesome!