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So it begins.
Author: Raine    Date: 11/22/2021 14:03:57

And thus begins the week of Thanksgiving.

I've got a lot on my plate today, we are leaving in a few weeks and I am trying to get our holiday cards finished. My friend and her family are in town from NY this week, so I want to get them done today. We'll be spending the day at their Airbnb. A real Thanksgiving meal will be had with loved ones. We can take Metro and not worry about traffic. In a strange turn of events, they are staying in our old neighborhood in Alexandria. It's be a little like a homecoming.

I'm also heartbroken over the events last night in Waukesha. I cannot even fathom going to a simple family & community event could turn so horrifically wrong. It's sad.

I just want to escape and I cannot wait to get on a plane and enjoy being out of the country for a few weeks.

Let's get this week rolling.


11 comments (Latest Comment: 11/22/2021 19:01:14 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by Scoopster on 11/22/2021 14:37:52
Mornin' all..

I'll be heading out to New York on Wednesday. Jess is gonna spend the holiday with her sister.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/22/2021 14:45:23

We're gonna be just going up the road (to Ashburn) to my cousin's place, would have gone last year if her adult oldest son hadn't gotten himself exposed to covid.

So I'm curious if people are still interested in Blogger Joe this year?

Comment by TriSec on 11/22/2021 14:45:39
IN 1975, I was a wee lad of nine years old. A proud member of Cub Scout Pack 61 in my hometown of Saugus, MA.

The following year was 1976 - and America's Bicentennial. The local Scout units were all going to march in the town parade that July, but my Cubmaster had the idea that we should do something big.

All through the winter of 75-76, a group of 8 Cub Scouts practiced in our local gym incessantly. We were learning how to march, and march properly! (My Cubmaster was an ex-drill instructor; I've known how to march since I was ten.)

Only a handful of the pack leadership knew about our plans, and certainly nobody else in town. Come the morning of the parade, the Pack 61 Drill Team made it's debut. Helmets, white gloves, spats, patent-leather marching shoes, rifles, flags...everything you'd expect a drill team to be.

We were total show-stoppers, and we even had our picture on the front page of the Boston Globe the following morning.

I have loved marching in parades ever since.

Forty-five years later, and now I wonder if I would be taking my life into my own hands the next time I have an opportunity to walk the streets of my community as part of an organized event.

What the absolute fuck is wrong with this country?

Comment by livingonli on 11/22/2021 15:43:30
Good morning everyone. Just got back from physical therapy. With the new prosthetic, it feels like I am learning to walk all over again.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/22/2021 15:45:16
Quote by livingonli:
Good morning everyone. Just got back from physical therapy. With the new prosthetic, it feels like I am learning to walk all over again.

You got this!

Comment by BobR on 11/22/2021 15:47:48
Quote by livingonli:
Good morning everyone. Just got back from physical therapy. With the new prosthetic, it feels like I am learning to walk all over again.

you got the new one! - that's great news!

I was laid up in a hospital bed for only 5 days, and I had a hard time walking for a day or two afterwards. As long as you've been incapacitated, I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to get those leg muscles working again.

Comment by BobR on 11/22/2021 15:54:16
I just read TriSec's blog from Sat night, and I have to agree that our health insurance "system" is still a miserable mess.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/22/2021 16:30:50
Quote by livingonli:
Good morning everyone. Just got back from physical therapy. With the new prosthetic, it feels like I am learning to walk all over again.

Congratulations!!! I hope that your therapy goes well,

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/22/2021 16:36:09
Good morning, bloggers!!!

I hope that you are doing well. I am on Thanksgiving break this week.

On Friday, the parent of the student whom the administration found threw a tennis ball at my left rib cage emailed me. She said that I "pulled" her child and wanted to talk to me before pressing charges. I emailed my principal, both assistant principals, and the union rep on this act of retaliation. I also signed the paper work to ask the principal to allow me to look elsewhere.

During the school year, I have provided quality lessons. However, I have some students disrupting the class, throwing objects at me, and either hitting me or nearly hitting my co-teacher or other students. They do not have the manpower to keep an eye on the kids nor can they transfer most of the trouble makers to other classes.

After work, I met with an assistant principal. She said that she and the principal met with the parent and warned the parent about retaliation. I said that this clearly was retaliation and I want out of the school. They cannot guarantee my safety. I will see where things go next Monday. Fortunately, there is the online school and high schools that may need teachers.

Comment by BobR on 11/22/2021 17:18:24
Quote by Will in Chicago:
Good morning, bloggers!!!

I hope that you are doing well. I am on Thanksgiving break this week.

On Friday, the parent of the student whom the administration found threw a tennis ball at my left rib cage emailed me. She said that I "pulled" her child and wanted to talk to me before pressing charges. I emailed my principal, both assistant principals, and the union rep on this act of retaliation. I also signed the paper work to ask the principal to allow me to look elsewhere.

During the school year, I have provided quality lessons. However, I have some students disrupting the class, throwing objects at me, and either hitting me or nearly hitting my co-teacher or other students. They do not have the manpower to keep an eye on the kids nor can they transfer most of the trouble makers to other classes.

After work, I met with an assistant principal. She said that she and the principal met with the parent and warned the parent about retaliation. I said that this clearly was retaliation and I want out of the school. They cannot guarantee my safety. I will see where things go next Monday. Fortunately, there is the online school and high schools that may need teachers.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but you are going to have troublemakers wherever you go - unless you only teach AP classes.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/22/2021 19:01:14
Quote by BobR:
Quote by Will in Chicago:
Good morning, bloggers!!!

I hope that you are doing well. I am on Thanksgiving break this week.

On Friday, the parent of the student whom the administration found threw a tennis ball at my left rib cage emailed me. She said that I "pulled" her child and wanted to talk to me before pressing charges. I emailed my principal, both assistant principals, and the union rep on this act of retaliation. I also signed the paper work to ask the principal to allow me to look elsewhere.

During the school year, I have provided quality lessons. However, I have some students disrupting the class, throwing objects at me, and either hitting me or nearly hitting my co-teacher or other students. They do not have the manpower to keep an eye on the kids nor can they transfer most of the trouble makers to other classes.

After work, I met with an assistant principal. She said that she and the principal met with the parent and warned the parent about retaliation. I said that this clearly was retaliation and I want out of the school. They cannot guarantee my safety. I will see where things go next Monday. Fortunately, there is the online school and high schools that may need teachers.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but you are going to have troublemakers wherever you go - unless you only teach AP classes.

I know that there will be trouble makers, but getting hit with objects in class is a bit much. I can deal with a lot but I think that I have a right to expect to be safe in class.