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The Debate Continues....
Author: AuntAzalea    Date: 08/09/2009 13:29:32

Good morning Aunt Azalea stepping in today.
And, due to computer problems this is my now 3rd attempt to post this.

There were two posts ideas on my mind this week, the first was a private group message board post that did not seem altogether Kosher. And secondly dreams for our new foster daughter. I ran across this post and I am sharing it with you as well as my reply. I have changed the authors name.

Hey all, Menteur here. I have been off the computer for some time. What brings me
back today is this subject.

I don't have any information, but it scares me to death. Here is a quick
example...my daughter has PA and fibro. She is currently on Humira and it is
working pretty well. She has good health insurance and drug coverage through her
job. She pays out of her pocket towards it. Up until the other day, her co-pay
for the Humira was $30.00 per quarter. She just learned that it is going up to
$500.00 per quarter. Her company uses Caremark for their mail order drugs.

Now I know that a $5000 a quarter drug is perhaps a bargain at $500 per quarter.
I don't know if this raise in cost is part of fear from the national health
coverage or just a company that doesn't care or is greedy.

We have all heard the rumors. I am breathing down the gun of 60. Will I be
told,, "oh you are too old for this drug - if you want it, pay for it.?? I don't
know. We too have excellent coverage - I pay $70 a quarter for my Humira. I have
had RA and PA since I was a teenager, and for the first time, except for the two
times I was pregnant years ago, when the arthritis went into remision, I am
feeling normal, with virtually no pain.

If I lose this med, I don't know what I will do. So, like all of you, I am just
plain scared. And I don't know that we want to go into politics on this board;
but this is a huge political nightmare coming at this country.

Best for us is to write to our representatives in full force and tell them how
we feel. Personally, I plan to tell mine that if this bill is passed, I will
vote them out. There is a definite need for reform in our system; but what is
being talked about is not good.

Also, for any of you who didn't get any civics or US history in high school, and
unfortunately, it isn't being taught much any more, please download a copy of
the US Constitution. Read it and study it. Our country was developed by our fore
fathers so as not to interfere with our rights. This is a huge one.

It is also important to know that there are millions of people who won't use a
government policy. They won't use it. No matter if it is available and easy to
use. They won't. Because they currently healthy or they just won't pay for it.
There is a law in this country that provides for anyone who doesn't have health
insurance to walk into any hospital in this country, and they must be treated.
So isn't that easier for many? And the bill won't cover all people - there will
still be many with no insurance - so I ask what is the point. Yesterday I met a
family from Canada where I work. I asked them if they like what they have...but
in order to get free health insurance, they pay 40% of their income in
taxes..anybody here that can afford paying more in taxes.

That law for people using ERs for usage is not of course always a good thing.
But it is true and it does increase costs.

My biggest concern is that this is such a rush that our representatives are not
even taking the time to read this bill before they pass it - just like the
stimulus. Do we like that?

Contact your representatives. I plan to do that later today or tomorrow.
Remember, they work for us.

Off my soapbox for now,

This was my response to her:

I came across this fabulous health debunking site

http://healthcarere formmyths. org/HealthcareRe formMyths. php
http://tinyurl. com/l99uez

Thought I would pass it on.
I noticed that similarly worded posts as Libby's were on other health groups and I started worrying that it wasn't a coincidence but rather the results of corporate lobbying efforts - I could be wrong, however as someone who had to give up my career because of Psoriatic Arthritis I am very much interested in the option of a single payer system-
I just don't want to be bombarded by health corporations that have unlimited resources to push their self interest especially on this site that I have been relying on.
Well that is my two cents- I want single payer system if it is good enough for Medicare, the VA and Congress it is good enough for me.

Ironically it seems that the people that we see pushing and shouting at these town hall meetings are probably the people that would benefit the most from Obamas Health Plan. I am ashamed to admit that I have been sitting on my post-Obama election laurels. But after seeing a flurry of responses to "Mentuars" post challenging her position, I was reminded that each one of us fight for health care every day in our own lives.

Now with our household filled with the sounds of a young girl filled with joy and dogs running after her, my dreams for her to get adequate care for her and seeing the bureaucratic hurdles that we must jump through have become overwhelming. I will pick up my pen and fight.

Have a great Sunday all.

6 comments (Latest Comment: 08/10/2009 02:19:32 by TriSec)
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Comment by BobR on 08/09/2009 14:03:40
Great blog Auntie. Those that are genuinely afraid of change are being influenced by the lies being put out there by those that are against change for financial reasons (insurance and pharma companies). It's up to all of us to fight back with truth. Thanks for being part of that fight.

Comment by trojanrabbit on 08/09/2009 17:29:25
After seeing Tri's pics on Facebook, I remember now.

Happy Birthday Javi!!

Comment by livingonli on 08/09/2009 18:29:54
A belated good day to everyone.. Went to bed late, slept late so I am all out of whack until I leave for work.

Great stuff there, Aunt Azaela.

Comment by Raine on 08/10/2009 00:48:04

Sorry it took me so long to post here today. After our party yesterday and my total exhaustion today I am a waste of human DNA....

It sounds like your house if filled with a lot of love these days. ok... Let me correct that -- it sounds like your house of love has done the very thing it was meant to do -- make life on this planet better for others!

I find it amazing that Menteur actually admitted they had no information, and yet was spewing a lot of fearful RW talking points.

Comment by TriSec on 08/10/2009 01:58:50
Evening, folks.

Been rolling since 6:15 am.

Yes, I was crazy enough to do a 42 mile round-tripper this morning for a box of doughnuts.

But....they were from Kane's!

Comment by TriSec on 08/10/2009 02:19:32
Oh, and I'm off the wagon.

My dear friend Jim has some lifelong addiction issues. (5 years clean, now!) Back when we were roomies (circa 1995 or so) he decided to quit smoking.

So, I stopped smoking at the time also too.

But I smoked cigars. Not many....one or two a week, usually after the steakhouse or on a Sunday evening with my brandy.

Anyway, I got married to a Cuban and she would never let me smoke.

Welll.......I bought a handful last year, and stood outside in my stocking feet on election eve smoking a victory cigar. We brought some down to Washington for the inaugural, and I brought some to Pops for his 75th birthday this year.

Just before I lost my job (again!) I bought a Montecristo for my birthday....and a Churchill at that.

It was delightful.

So. I'm a smoker again....at least until it's too cold to sit outside on the back stoop and smoke 'em.