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Political Theatre of the Absurd
Author: BobR    Date: 02/02/2011 11:22:46

In 2006, the Democrats rode into power in Congress on a wave of disgust with the Republicans' endemic corruption. Two years later, the disgust with the Idiot-in-Chief, and fear of Sarah Palin drove record numbers to the polls to vote for Obama. Likely, there was also motivation driven by the lassaiz-faire approach to regulation which saw an economy heading over a cliff.

The Democrats, controlling both Houses of Congress and the Executive, had a unique opportunity to prove that they could lead this country into a bright shining future. Unfortunately for them, they were unable to. The 60 vote "filibuster proof" majority in the Senate came with not strings, but ropes attached, as each Democratic senator felt the power of his/her one vote to make or break a filibuster. The economy refused to budge so deep was its problems, despite attempts to seed the job market with projects funding. Sure the actions prevented what would have been an unrecoverable complete meltdown, but the turnaround has been slow.

On top of this, President Obama has also taken a lot of flak from the left, unjustably vilified for the sins of the Senate, while also trying to juggle too many a crisis. The malaise of the voting left ushered in a Republican majority in the House, and an essential 50-50 split in the Senate.

The voters had one thing on their minds: It's the jobs, stupid!. Unfortunately for voters, that is not what the Republicans heard, at least, if their actions since taking power are any indication....

A recent bill from Republicans has them redefining what rape is, which has raised the hackles of Democrats, particularly women:
The broad anti-abortion measure would restrict federally-assisted abortion coverage to cases of "forcible rape," excluding in that definition instances where women are drugged and raped, where women say "no" but do not physically fight off the perpetrator, and various cases of date rape. It also excludes instances of statutory rape in which minors are impregnated by adults. The victim in all cases would be denied abortion coverage under Medicaid and forbidden from seeking health care tax benefits.

Introduced by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), the bill boasts 173 mainly Republican co-sponsors and has been designated a top priority by House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

What woman thinks this is a good idea or necessary? What woman wouldn't call being drugged and raped "rape"? It's horrible. This is a "top priority"??

They are also trying to force a vote to repeal the new health care law. Why? Because they want to increase the deficit? Because they want to remove protections for patients? No - it's because they see it as a Democratic victory, and they are venal.

Some claim that it's the "mandate" that they despise (despite Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney signing a similar mandate into law in MA), and a Republican legislator for the state of South Dakota is trying to prove that point by promoting a bill which would mandate gun ownership for all adults. He even admits that the bill will likely not go anywhere, and he is only trying to prove a point. He shouldn't be so certain. Kennesaw, GA has had a law on it's books since 1982 requiring all city residents to own a gun. Yes, it's still the law there.

Other Republicans aren't helping the elected ones out any. Former governor, presidential hopeful, and TV personality Mike Huckabee thinks that Israelis should move into Palestian territory:
"I cannot imagine as an American being told that I could not live in certain places in America because I was Christian, or because I was white, or because I spoke English," Huckabee said. "I would be outraged if someone told me that in my country, I would be prohibited and forbidden to live in a part of that country, for any reason."

You can't? Try building a house on lands designated as native-American reservations. Come to think of it - that analogy is apt in several ways, considering how Palestinians and native-Americans have been treated...

And of course - former Bush Adminstration UN "Ambassador" John Bolton shows why he was picked for that job when he opened his yap and declared that if Egypt's Mubarak falls, Israel should bomb Iran. Why? who cares! - If McCain can sing "Bomb, bomb Iran", then this fits right in with the "shoot first - ask questions later" mentality.

It seems we've slipped back into the Bush-era position of there being so many jaw-dropping absurdities from the Republicans that it's hard to tell satire from the truth anymore. Just ask Rachel Maddow, who read a humor piece calling for Sarah Palin to lead a US cry for an American invasion of Egypt, and thought it was serious. Had it been me - I might have as well. It's gotten that ridiculous.

The big question though is - will moderates (both left and right) think so too? Will they realize they've been had and put the party that actually DOES look after the interests of the "common man" back in office?

We'll find out in 20 months.


33 comments (Latest Comment: 02/02/2011 20:32:35 by Scoopster)
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