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Author: Raine    Date: 11/10/2011 13:33:47

Against my better judgement, I actually watched most of that mess of debate last night. I really must say that aside from the terrible gaffe from Rick Perry and the inappropriate comment from Herman Cain about minority leader Pelsoi, the debate was full of absolutely no substance. It was insulting to the American public to be honest with you. I may not agree with the politics of the people on stage last night, but I do have the expectation that they at least know what they are talking about. No substance. It was over an hour of simplistic sound bites and campaign zingers.

Actaully, I take that back -- there was a lot of substance -- it was all crap.

The NYT did some fact checking on a few of the topics discussed, and basically -- There were a lot of mistruths. From regulations of both business & the housing market to personal & corporate taxes there was misinformation and distortion.

I will honestly go out on a limb here and say that this debate was so awful that Mitt Romney looked presidential. That isn't saying much -- he has no ideas on how to deal with foreign policy or how to fix the housing market. Unprofessional and childish is what it was. These people are not Candidates; These are all people who just want a reason to bitch about Obama. It reminded of a badly managed It was like watching a 10th grade debate club team pretending they are running for class president.

I weep for my country if this is the caliber of people they truly want to be the Commander in Chief of the United States.

I'll probably write something better later. I'm feeling generally displeased in general -- from the reaction at Penn State regarding the abuse of children to how women are being treated in this nation -- I'm just disgusted.

I can't even find the words to describe the heartbreak of this story. As I said yesterday -- It makes what happened at Arlington pale in comparison.

Do you know what they are doing with the unclaimed and unidentifiable remains remains of those that died on September 11, 2001? They are creating a tomb. Seems like a somber way to pay respect to those killed that day... Right?

So after that day, we went to war. We started having war casualties. Men and women in our armed forces died.

These soldiers were thrown in a landfill. From 2003 until 2008 unidentifiable remains of those that died while serving this nation were thrown in a landfill.

And Herman Cain pretends that he is a victim.



79 comments (Latest Comment: 11/11/2011 03:59:17 by Raine)
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