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Author: velveeta jones    Date: 02/05/2012 16:12:07

Or, Why the UN is Trying to Kill all the Old White Teabaggers!

So, you're a Commissioner or City Council member of a town and you want to make it safer for bike riders by building a bike lane? Communist!

Or perhaps you want to steer large developments from building on steep mountains to prevent mudslides and pollutant runoffs to those that live below? Fascist!

Why do you hate freedom?

UN Agenda 21 is a threat to our freedom and our very way of life say the Tea Party members. This all started back in the 70's during the Nixon era (he was a Republican) when many countries began to look for ways to cut down on pollutions and this new menace later named "Global Warming". Nixon started the EPA to address issues in our country and the UN came on board in 1992 with a non-binding resolution called Agenda 21. Did I mention that it is non-binding? Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

Seems simple enough right? NO! NO it is NOT. It is the brutal, powerful, fist of BIGGGG Government coming down on us! Why, why do you want to have ........... bike lanes? Let them ride on the side of the road between the dirt path and the gully that was formed by storm water runoff! Why do you want high speed rails? What's wrong with your car, hmmm? What we need to do, see, is pave that forest land and build bigger roads. That would be the smart and safe thing to do.

Why, I hear in some parts of Texas someone proposed taxing property owners when it rains! I'm not kidding! They "claim" that all your pollution is ruining the lakes and rivers and streams and they have to spend money cleaning it all up. Oh boo-hoo. Cry me a toxic waste dump that was once a river.

In other places states are taking over perfectly good land, by the thousands of acres, and just roping it off! For what, you ask? I don't know, maybe future generations or something? Preposterous! Let's mow those trees down and use them to burn so we can make megatons of energy to power the Giga-ton A/C unit on top of the Super WalMart Super Complex on that very land!!

Thankfully, Tea Partiers are protesting loudly at these local levels to stop this Agenda. Recently a Roanoke Va City Council meeting had to have police break up a group of protesters. And FOX news has also picked it up and is running with it. The Republican Party (motto: We got Cash if you've got Ass) has now adopted its own resolution against what it called “the destructive and insidious nature” of Agenda 21. And Newty bravely took aim at it during a Republican debate in November.

We must work hard to fight this One World Order plot to keep our forest pristine and our water drinkable. I mean, future generations my ass! Let them get their own land. Next time you see a Tea Party member, be sure to thank them for their effort to stop all this nonsense. We all know Global Warming is a hoax - it snowed somewhere this year didn't it?

15 comments (Latest Comment: 02/06/2012 12:44:02 by trojanrabbit)
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