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Quit Fucking Up My Planet
Author: BobR    Date: 2014-04-02 11:01:32

I am done. I am done with the assholes who are fucking up my planet. Yes, I said MY planet. It's my planet, it's your planet it's EVERYBODY's planet. We all live here; we all breathe the same air; we all drink the same water. I understand the concepts of "sharing" and "common good" are anathema to these right-wing douche-nozzles, but it's the reality of this existence. When they purposely pollute and prevent legislation to curtail polluters just to say "NYAH NYAH" to "tree-huggers", they are fucking up the planet for all of us.

Rachel Maddow described two instances on her show Monday night. There was a study in Nebraska that got derailed because Republicans wanted "climate change" language removed, causing the scientists who were going to do it to bail rather than compromise their intellectual integrity. In Virginia, it was the same thing. Republicans don't "believe" in global warming, as if it was a religion instead of sound science. They would rather maintain their political stance, even if it means the planet goes to Hell.

Here's the thing about religion: you can believe whatever you want, so long as you don't try to impose your beliefs on me, and don't try to make me live by the arbitrary rules you feel your religion has set for you. When these idiots treat science and religion as equals, however, then they doing just that. When it comes to climate science, their "beliefs" translate into actions (or lack of it) that push their beliefs onto the rest of us. It would be one thing if they could be forced to live in a world full of flooding coastlines, droughts, and extreme weather without affecting the rest of us, but that's just not possible.

I don't get what it is about science that turns Republicans into deliberately obtuse jackoffs. Does the certainty of science scare them? Do people smarter than them scare them? Does the notion that the evidence is on the side of hippies and liberals infuriate them?

I have yet to figure out whether they hate science because the evidence flies in the face of their literal interpretation of the Bible, or whether their fossil-fuel funders are buying their loyalty to prevent solar and wind from horning in on their profits (why they don't just put up wind and solar generators instead of oil rigs is beyond me). Whatever their motivation, their twisted sense of loyalty is ruining it for the rest of us who are simply trying to make things better and prevent a global environmental meltdown.

It pisses me off. It's like the adage "Don't like abortions? Don't get one"; just don't force me to live by your own misguided morality. If you Republicans can figure out a way to put a dome over your pollution and keep it in your own neighborhood, then go for it. Until then - quit fucking up my planet.

37 comments (Latest Comment: 04/02/2014 21:02:41 by Will in Chicago)
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