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Author: Raine    Date: 05/19/2008 07:08:05

Families today face challenges that yesterday's laws simply don't address. We need to fix government, and one solution is to update our laws so they provide America's families with more freedom in their jobs; greater healthcare and retirement security; safer communities; access to quality, affordable education; and the ability for future generations to compete in the global economy.

This week, my colleagues announced the American Families Agenda. This new agenda concentrates on the bread and butter issues facing every American. And it recognizes that today, more and more families struggle with balancing work, children and caring for elderly parents. Over the coming weeks, we will be promoting new ideas that give people more personal freedom and lessen the burden of government.

From young people just starting out and looking for affordable college, to working parents who want more freedom in the workplace, to seniors who would benefit from greater flexibility with their health care and prescription drug benefits, the American Families Agenda provides commonsense solutions that modernize our laws and give people greater liberty.

I look forward to sharing more about solutions and a positive agenda in the weeks to come.
Sounds wonderful, right? It is. But... it is from the NRCC I removed about 8 words. I replaced one.
This, my friends, is what the NRCC has been reduced to. We are less than 6 months away from national elections and they are getting ready to promote NEW ideas with a liberal ideaology. Don't tell them that's what it is... just, well... bless them for seeing the light...
CQPolitics tells us something else:
Something big is missing from House Republicans’ 2008 campaign agenda for American families, and that is no accident.

There’s not a single mention in the 47-point program of such red-meat GOP issues as banning abortion, outlawing same-sex marriage, allowing prayer in the public schools, banning flag burning and protecting the Pledge of Allegiance. Instead, the plan focuses on Republican-introduced ideas as allowing private sector workers to take compensatory time instead of premium pay for overtime worked (HR 6025) or permitting full tax deductibility for most medical expenses (HR 636).

In an effort to appeal to moderates in their uphill push to retake the House, Republicans have pushed divisive social issues off center stage and replaced them with a host of pocketbook items they hope will appeal to working women, moderates and even some Democrats.

“This may not be the family agenda you expected from Republicans,’’ said Rep. Kay Granger , R-Texas, who was in charge of formulating the “American Families Agenda,’’ the first part of the party’s “Change You Deserve’’ 2008 platform. “It is a change. In the past, the Republican agenda for families was about social issues. This is more straight-forward, talking to families where they are, not where you want them to be,’’ Granger added.
Yes, you read that one right, they are taking wedge issues off the table. They are altering things to be on line with democratic issues.

I think the GOP is broken. Maybe desperate. I think it has finally lost its mind and jumped the shark. I have always appreciated TRUE conservatism. That died a long time ago in my eyes. Look at Barry Goldwater for an example. This conservative Republican party has finally been defeated. Not just defeated, but beaten so badly that they need to take from the DNC platform to find any sort of direction. They don't know what to do or where to go but they are going to adopt the basic tenents of *gasp* liberalism.

Now how do you think that is gonna fly with the *base*? Based on the comments from the NRCC blog, not so well. Let me quote a few examples:
What ever happened to "less government and more individual responsibility", Mr. Cole? You sound like a doggone Democrat to me and my family and my friends.

There is no way under the sun that I will vote for Senator McCain regardless of who is put on the ticket with him. No way. Period!

I am disappointed with the TOTAL lack of genuine conservative leadership on the part of you and others heading up the Republican party. I will either stay home, or write in Ron Paul - if that's possible.
Where has the conservative agenda been for the last 12 years? I think it's time to throw all RINO's out of government. If it means the Republican Party collapses, so what? There are very few Republicans with any character. If McCain, that egotistical RINO is the best we can do, there'e no hope for the parts.
You people are so far out of touch it has gone from aggravating to simply sad. You have been sent to DC to do a job. But apparently you are more interested in trying to sound good in the press.

That is but a TINY sampling. you can read it all at the link I gave above.

The reason WHY I post all this is becuase there is something I want to make clear... as always, IMO. This election is still ours to lose. And this election isn't JUST the POTUS. It is the House, Senate and the SCOTUS. We can truly have a watershed moment this November. The GOP has told us how... THEY HAVE NO IDEAS. They do not know what to do. They are scrambling about what to do.

The GOP is the party that told us to be afraid, to be scared, to trust them with our security.. The party that told us how we should live our lives, the party who knew better than women when it came to their own bodies, the party that knew what God wanted, the party that said the free market should decide, the party that deregulated the mortgage industry, the party that told us they were right and we were wrong... The party that mocked the Dems for their approach to foreign affairs - doesn't know what to do! How should we EVER trust them with anything again? Terrorists? WAR? They have admitted they do not know what to do about it. Well, they fairly admitted they have no idea about anything. They are finding that they can't win elections, and now suddenly they have lost their compass. ( Side note: Interesting the power of the vote, huh? You wonder why suddenly it has become harder and harder for Americans to cast a ballot...)

How can we trust them with the handling of the war?? John Boehner was on TV yesterday and when asked about what he is going to do to change things and how, he said 9 times... (NINE) "We will Give Americans the Change they deserve" He also said that 'George W *ush is the past' (no, I am not kidding) and he never gave a name or face to the future...He had a chance to say John McCain is our guy... he didn't. VERY telling.

The GOP has finally realized that it has lost it's direction. This November, the House, Senate and POTUS are ours for the taking, but it is still ours to lose. We need to unify, and get local... work to get people elected in our states and districts.

We need to get EVERYONE in the party behind our nominee... lest we look like the GOP, who clearly has issues with McCain... who called his own wife a c*nt, and who has no problem calling people gooks. If your candidate isn't the nominee, will you vote for McCain? I won't. I will vote for our nominee. We need to come together... I do NOT want our party to look like the GOP. We have a presumptive nominee... I digress, I know... however, PLEASE, Understand this: John McCain is the racist and the sexist we need to defeat.

If this were chess, we would could safely call 'check'. We cannot call call checkmate, because the game is not over. We have to keep going and now they have shown weakness and/or vulnerability ... in November is when we need to call it 'checkmate'.

We are winning... but we have not won yet, and we still have work to do. Get local with the same fervour you have on the national level. Do NOT assume anything. Work from the bottom up. Get more D's in the house and the senate. We have a rare opportunity here. POTUS is very important, but we can make a sea of change elsewhere as well.

Do it. Make change. Opportunity awaits. Our nation depends upon it.
Yes, we can.

:peace: and :heart:



235 comments (Latest Comment: 05/20/2008 03:30:15 by Raine)
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