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Fluffy Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 08/28/2015 12:52:41

Jimmy Kimmel has put together an ad for the Trump campaign. One that gives a some idea what the future might look like. If one based their future on vague generalities that is.

I don't know what Trump's actual end game is, but its not to be an actual leader. If it doesn't end in some payout monetarily for him in some way he's usually not interested. So why is he doing this? Why is he rattling the cages of the worst among us?

I wish I understood people like this so as to avoid or know how to handle them. Instead I feel more like Madeline Kahn in Clue.

And they win. They thrive on the negative and they've fed on our irritation. He's a troll. And we've forgotten we aren't supposed to feed them.


29 comments (Latest Comment: 08/28/2015 19:50:28 by Mondobubba)
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