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Barack Hussein Obama is already leading the country
Author: Raine    Date: 07/17/2008 12:13:09

Barack Obama is already giving us change we can believe in... and don't think for a minute he isn't. Today we learn we are sending Diplomats to Iran. Yes, Iran - for the first time in nearly 30 years. This comes after months of *ush and McCain attacking Barack Obama for being an appeaser for saying said that he would be willing to have diplomatic relations with that country.

They did the same to Barack Obama after he said he would be willing to strike Al Queda in Pakistan. Guess what? Bush did exactly that a few months later.

Barack wants America to remember the other war... Afghanistan... and suddenly, *ush does too. Same policies same ideas... Ones that McCain and *ush and all of the other GOP water-carriers lambasted him for...

Same type of rhetoric happened with Korea... see a pattern? There are many more examples of this.

What I see is a man - Barack Obama - who has the sense to say the unpopular thing at times, but what will ultimately be for the good of the United States and how we're are viewed in other countries. I see a man who truly wants to make this world a safer place. I see a man that is willing to take the attacks from the right because he knows that this country must change course. I see a man that refuses to lead with saber rattling and fear.

I wonder what John McCain will do today when he wakes up and has his wife read him the news about Iran on the computer machine. It was only a few days ago, he joked about killing them all with cigarettes. How very diplomatic.

In the end, Barack Obama is already leading this country, his words are changing the course. It's sad that he cannot really take credit for it, but I will give it to him anyway. I will take a president Obama anyday over a man that doesn't seem to know that Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore. That is NOT change I can believe in. I want to believe, again, badly.

:peace: and


394 comments (Latest Comment: 07/18/2008 04:55:45 by livingonli)
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