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Compare and Contrast.
Author: Raine    Date: 07/24/2008 12:29:13


This is what Barack Obama wrote in the book at Yad-Vashem in Israel. This is the man who will be president of the United States. This is from the man John McCain called a flip-flopper yesterday. Yeah, These are the words written that the McCain campaign, chose to attack Barack Obama for.

The words, are striking, and moving, but the eloquence in his writing speaks volumes about the man we can elect as president. He may not be a perfect man, but he will be a man who can restore dignity and Pride to a nation that sorely needs it. To read the words, in the man's handwriting... it is a moving experience.

For a laugh, or a cry... compare to the extra surgie surger, John McCain:

The Surge is for John McCain what Sovereign was for the pResident.
Don't believe me? - Compare, contrast:

I will take Barack Obama ANY day.
:peace: and :heart:

228 comments (Latest Comment: 07/25/2008 12:05:43 by capt)
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