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Our War Economy, Our Warrior Psyche
Author: Raine    Date: 08/21/2008 12:24:26

What is the state of the economy? Repression? Depression? Upswing? Down swing? According to this article...We have a War Economy. Not a "manufacturing" economy. Not an "agricultural" economy. Nor a "service" economy. Not even a "consumer" economy.

Forget the free market, forget capitalism... this economy, our nation, is very deep in a war mindset and everything that comes out of it is related to war. It's been that way for a long time, Smedley Butler warned us about it in 1934, when he wrote War is a Racket. We have known about the Military Industrial Complex for quite some time as well.

In the past 8 years, however, things have shifted into a higher gear. Have we reached the tipping point in America? Can we turn things around? We have the Pentagon with a 1 trillion dollar debt load. We have 2 major war fronts. We'll soon have missile defense systems in Poland. Who benefits? Defense contractors, Investors, Corporations --- all making massive profits on the back of the middle class. The middle class finds itself increasingly shrinking, with more and more of our nation's youth being sent off to the wars that help the profits of places like Lockheed Martin, Oil companies, Hedge Fund managers --- take your pick. It all goes back to war.

54% of our tax dollars help fund the United States military budget. Most Americans don't seem to mind, whether it be because the don't know, don't care or are just too shocked by the staggering magnitude of it all. We have war abroad and a war of class here it home. This is how it is under the rule of NeoConservatism. Make no mistake, right now they are in charge, and they are ruling with an Iron wallet. The money is dispursed to the War machine so the top of our class system can reap the rewards while the sacrifice lies on the backs of the poor and middle class, who have been conditioned in the past 8 years to accept it. They gave us slogans, like "Support the Troops" and "Dead or Alive" and now "[..]to the Gates of Hell"

And this is where it really gets scary, John McCain's entire psyche is about war. Everything that exists in him is to make war. Problem is he doesn't understand economics. He's a war profiteer's wet dream. The choice we must make, as we live in a war economy, do we go to the voting booth in November with a clear vision of electing people who will try to stop the war economy or will we allow ourselves to be fed sound bites of fake patriotism disguised to make us feel like better Americans?

From the article:
We've lost our moral compass: The contrast between today's leaders and the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 shocks our conscience. Today war greed trumps morals. During the Revolutionary War our leaders risked their lives and fortunes; many lost both.

Today it's the opposite: Too often our leaders' main goal is not public service but a ticket to building a personal fortune in the new "America's Outrageous War Economy," often by simply becoming a high-priced lobbyist.

Ultimately, the price of our greed may be the fulfillment of Kevin Phillips' warning in "Wealth and Democracy:" "Most great nations, at the peak of their economic power, become arrogant and wage great world wars at great cost, wasting vast resources, taking on huge debt, and ultimately burning themselves out."
We can still be the change from here until November and beyond. It is imperative to the future of this great country that we are the change. Go out, volunteer, pick up a phone, but whatever you do, vote in Novemeber for real representation in the house and the Senate... and of course, for POTUS.

We were warned:

:peace: and


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