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While Joe the Plumber WANTS, America NEEDS.
Author: Raine    Date: 10/16/2008 12:37:06

"Congressman John Lewis ... Made allegations that Sarah Palin and I were somehow associated with the worst chapter in American history, segregation. ... That, to me, was hurtful... ."
John McCain

"I think the American people are less interested in our hurt feelings during the course of the campaign than addressing the issues that matter to them so deeply."
Barack Obama

From the Front Page today of the Atlanta Journal Constitution. That says it all, to me, about last night. One man stood before America, cool collected and ready to lead. One man stood before America twitchy, mean, nasty and lying. This is about Wants and Needs.

While Americans watch their 401K's disappear, John McCain offered not much more than a fascination for some man named 'Joe the Plumber', William Ayers, Acorn and John Lewis. It was clear last night that John McCain is more interested in attacking than helping to get America back on track. His body language said it all. It was painful to look at. He was angry at being a continuation of *ush, he was angry that John Lewis called him out... Look, Barack Obama did last night what I had hoped he would do... he called John McCain on everything that he has done, and Grampy had nothing but self-righteous indignation.

Now, about Joe... He is the most famous plumber in America right now. His name is Joe Wurzelbacher*. This might an interesting read about him. He's been at this company for (according to Grampy) for 10-12 years--- and he can't buy it? You really think he wants to?

Somehow Joe the Plumber (not Six Pack, his cousin) wants to blame Barack Obama for that. It simply is not logical to blame policies that are not in place yet for Joe's unfortunate situation. Besides, this is not about Joe the Plumber, this is about putting our Country, back on track so people like Joe (and you and me and our parents and grandparents and children) never have to worry about losing everything -- ever again. I have nothing against the 'wants' of people like Joe the Plumber -- we ALL have wants -- but I think it is time to start getting back what we are losing right before our eyes before we focus on one man who "wants" when he already HAS a job in this economy. What America NEEDS is more jobs. Joe the Plumber already has one, I am still trying to find the employment status of Joe Six-Pack, altho early reports indicate that he may be working for a Budweiser distributor.

That might be cold of me, but that is how I am feeling. John McCain doesn't really understand that fact that many of us out here can't find work. HE doesn't truly care, actually. He cares about winning. He cares about himself. John McCain never lost a job, and he never bought a company. John McCain missed that very important point last night. Too many people in America don't even have the luxury of wanting to buy a company because they are not even counted in the unemployment numbers. Too many people are worried about putting FOOD on the table. Too many people just want to get from one day to the next. Owning a business is a luxury for far too many Americans. Gramps doesn't get that.

He wants you to worry about Joe the Plumber, and how John Lewis hurt his feelings. I don't care about John McCain's feelings. He can pick up the phone and call John Lewis if he is so hurt, he can personally LOAN Joe the Plumber the money for a business -- I don't care.

What I care about is having a leader that asks us ALL to roll up our sleeves and get this country back on track.

19 days to go, we can do this, YES WE CAN!

:peace: and

*Edit Blog member Random™ found this Kos Diary:
Is Joe the Plumber related to Charles Keating? Just something to ponder.


234 comments (Latest Comment: 10/17/2008 09:11:25 by trojanrabbit)
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