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Author: Raine    Date: 10/29/2020 13:04:21

If there is one decent thing to take from stay-at-home orders in the last few days before voting is completed, it's that I don't have to deal or interact in public with supporters of the occupant in the White House.

And that is of little solace. They are getting kinda desperate and dangerous. The 'kinda' was a bit of sarcasm. I pray to anyone or thing that can hear me that we have such a huge landslide that the bullies and dangerous people go back into hiding. I'm trying to say this as kindly as I can. I have had actual for real conversations with friends about what will happen after the election -- that span of two months and two weeks. I think that may be the most dangerous time as well as the most chaotic. I hope to be proven wrong, I really mean that.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I am a little scared. I'm fortunate, though. We literally have a bubble of sanity in our little corners of the neighborhood we live in. Others aren't so lucky.

Stay home, wear a mask, keep yourself safe from the pandemics of the virus as well as the hate and carnage.

Let's get this last Thursday before November 3rd rolling.



8 comments (Latest Comment: 10/29/2020 19:48:53 by BobR)
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