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Secular Seasonal Sunday
Author: Raine    Date: 12/14/2008 14:30:59

Good morning. I am filling in for our own Velveeta Jones today. It's not an easy task, so I will not even try. Rather than rail on about what is wrong as I do weekdays, I figured let's keep it a little light this morning.

Just a little. I woke up to find that the pResident made a surprise trip to Iraq this morning. He wanted to celebrate the Status of Forces Agreement with al-Maliki. Well at least he has something to celebrate... I don't think we need to go over all that he has done here in the states, and to the rest of the world. His trip was under tight security and cloaked in secrecy. (you see? if Velveeta were here, she would be writing a story about a Bush and a Clause and an elf name Maliki...)

37 days and we have a new president. It can't come soon enough. I feel like I am a child again, only instead of waiting for Christmas morn, I am waiting for Inauguration day.

Well I know most of us will be out and about preparing for whatever it is we do this time of year. Myself, personally, I will be readying my weapons to fight the war on Christmas. We'll decorate not only a tree, but a Festivus Pole! Take that Bill O'Reilly!

In the meantime, Here is a song I wish was on the pResidents iPod:

:peace: and :heart:


31 comments (Latest Comment: 12/15/2008 13:16:42 by trojanrabbit)
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