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Is it a myth after all?
Author: TriSec    Date: 06/03/2023 09:35:36

Climate change is real. I've seen it with my own eyes. Your growing season may vary, but in the 25 years I've been running a garden, I've seen the last frost date shift. I used to plant on Mother's Day, but now I don't dare. We had a killing frost as late as May 18 this year. I don't plant until Memorial Day now.

But is it weather or change? You know our differently-winged friends have decried "Global Warming" as a myth, primarily because sometimes it's cold when it's supposed to be. They always mock us after a big snowstorm. In the winter.

But what about days like today? We've had a fair stretch of weather in Boston. Over the last two weeks or so, Spring has finally sprung. It's been sunny and pleasant, and even the last two days have been in the low 80s, which is altogether fitting and proper for June. It's also meteorological summer, starting on June 1.

So naturally today, it's going to be cold and clammy, with a harsh onshore wind, and likely not to get above 55 degrees. On June 3. We've had more days below average than above so far this season. But that sort of illustrates the point I'm trying to make.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can look at the data, see the trends, and look around outside and make observations themselves.

But the under-educated, ignorant, and brainwashed just parrot whatever the lie of the day is. It's a cold day in June in New England. Global Warming must be liberal propaganda!

1 comments (Latest Comment: 06/04/2023 17:12:47 by BobR)
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