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Society in Freefall
Author: TriSec    Date: 06/24/2023 23:11:26

Good evening.

I'm sure you're aware that Boston has the fourth-worst traffic in the world?

I drive in it every day - but why is that? And what does it have to do with society?

I read some months ago on facebook that the only reason we are alive on the roads is because we all agreed to obey some lines painted on the pavement.

But do we?

I observed today somebody passing a slow-moving driver over a double-yellow line on a busy street in Boston. My driver instinct caused me to stop and wait for the dummie to pass.

My biggest thought of late though, is "No turn on Red". Unless there is a police car directly behind you, that rule is 100% unenforceable here in Boston. We don't have traffic cameras, so unless you are witnessed by the police, you get away scot free. Hell, I've even done it on tour in a trolley.

But is that the downfall of society? Probably not - but if ordinary citizens don't bother to obey even the most basic rules of the road unless somebody is watching, what does that say about us all?

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