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Haley for President
Author: TriSec    Date: 01/06/2024 13:12:10

Umm, I'm sorry. Can you say that again?

It's that curious time of year. Our neighbor to the North has their "rogue primary" coming up on January 23, so the airwaves are awash with political ads.

A candidate on the other side seems to be rising above the din, and it is actually Niki Haley. At least in her own ads, she seems to espouse some old-school Republicanism, and her main clarion call is that she is not Donald Trump. The ad in particular that sticks out to me is where she decries "liberal extremism", but goes on to state that "conservative extremism is not the answer" and it's time to break the cycle.

In any case, I looked at her website this morning, but it's not really helpful. Page after page of begging for money and offering campaign tools for the grassroots, but not a lot of useful platform information.

I had to go to another site for that. You may read that at your leisure if you care to.

But why does any of this matter to me in bluest Massachusetts? I mean come on, President Biden is not in doubt here.

Well, it's because Massachusetts has a semi-open presidential primary. Something called Open Primary with partisan registration:

Unaffiliated/independent voters may choose a major party ballot line in the primary; either Republican or Democrat. Voters who are already affiliated with a political party- Republican, Democrat or minor party- can vote only in that party’s primary.

States with a partisan primary and partisan voter registration include: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, West Virginia, Wyoming

I have been planning on crossing the line in our primary for quite some time. A while back, I went so far as to state I would vote for DeSantis if I had to in order to stop Trump. It does seem to me that a slightly better candidate has emerged.

1 comments (Latest Comment: 01/06/2024 16:35:38 by Will_in_Ca)
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