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Author: BobR    Date: 2024-01-10 13:00:00

Republicans operate under a set of simple rules: Always project on opponents your own guilty actions, and never turn on your own. They are the poster child party for double-standards. How long did it take them to finally boot George Santos? Compare that to how quickly the Dems purge themselves of Anthony Weiner, and doing their best to boot Menendez.

Back when the Dems were in charge of the House, they were investigating Jan 06, including what happened and who was involved. There were several members of Congress (in both houses) that seemed to have skirted or broken the law in aiding and abetting the insurrectionists. This included Gym Jordan (AH-OH). Jordan decided he was too privileged to answer to his peers, so he ignored a congressional subpoena to appear before the committee. He just decided not to show up. Did he suffer consequences? Did he get arrested?

No, of course not.

So when the hyenas in Congress decided to conduct a fishing expedition an impeachment investigation on President Biden for crimes they can't really enumerate (but they know fer shure that he did something), they demanded that Hunter Biden appear before a closed-door meeting for questioning. Of course, Hunter knew exactly what they were up to, and said no, but he'd be happy to testify if the questioning was public. Naturally, this threw a wrench into their plans to cherry-pick and misrepresent what he said, so they refused.

Now, the Republicans are expecting the Biden Judicial Branch to play ball with them, as they send a contempt resolution over. James Comer (AH-KY) even threatened impeachment of Merrick Garland if he didn't comply.

How does Gomer Comer feel about Gym Jordan ignoring a subpoena? I imagine you'd get a word salad of double-talk if you tried to ask.

Meanwhile, the brilliant minds on the tRump legal team are trying to sell the notion that the POTUS (at least him) can be a king with no legal recourse:
Former President Trump’s legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution.

The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter or even on selling pardons.

In the hearing that reviewed a motion from Trump’s team to toss his election interference charges, Sauer argued that presidents can only be criminally prosecuted if they have already been tried and convicted by the Senate.

“He would have to be impeached and convicted,” Sauer replied.


At one point, Judge Florence Pan, another Biden appointee, noted that Trump’s legal team argued essentially the opposite case when he faced a second impeachment, in this case for his conduct related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

During that trial Trump’s attorneys argued there was no need to censure Trump, as prosecutors could bring charges if there was any criminal conduct to weigh.

What's the opinion from the Republicans on this?

What would be the opinion from them if Biden tried this?

As the saying goes: it's okay if you're a Republican

1 comments (Latest Comment: 01/10/2024 17:17:50 by Will_in_Ca)
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