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Racism 101
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 04/19/2009 12:33:51

Today’s online class: how to be a subversive, under-the-radar, racist.

Step 1 – Watch FOX news. Well, that’s a given! FOX has been so successful at this game in fact, that “regular” news outlets have picked up on many of their habits. Like using “some say” or asking ridiculous leading questions like “is ACORN a communist recruitment organization, bent on warping the minds of minorities”? See what I did here, not only did I imply that a harmless organization that means to assist people has a radical agenda, but that minority groups in general might not have the mental aptitude to see through such an agenda where it true.

Here is an example I heard just this morning on my local news, I am not kidding. Seems a woman lost two children in a home fire last night and had to be taken to the hospital because she was having a “panic attack”! Now, if you’ve been paying attention to this game, you’d know that this is a Black woman. How? Well, only people of color have panic attacks after watching their children die in a house fire, if this had been a white woman we would have been told something along the lines, “the anguished woman was taken to the hospital to be examined for any signs of injury”.

See, the game is rather easy!

Step 2 – Incite the masses that are not the brightest bulbs to begin with. Now, I am not picking solely on conservatives here. Believe me, we have plenty of dimwits on our side of the spectrum, but it just seems like the conservatives end up putting many of their mouth breathers front and center! Big mistake, unless that is your ultimate goal. It’s a worthy ambition – dumb down the entire country by way of people like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and make it seem socially acceptable. You know, come to think of it, Beck and Hannity have become so “fruit-loopy” of late they have temporarily knocked BillO off the chart. Poor BillO, but I’m sure he’ll bounce back with some great “investigative report”.

Step 3 – Create a “movement” and say it’s about something everyone could, ostensibly, get onboard with. Taxes too high. Pork spending. Well, who the hell doesn’t agree with that? Its just some of us disagree on what constitutes “pork”, and how we got where we are. None of these people – perhaps save for a few of the Ron Paul supporters – were out protesting last year, were they? If they were I don’t recall FOX news covering it so thoroughly.

But, whatever the real intention was for this protest, the outcome was this: a great recruitment tool for the racists to add to their foot soldiers. Unfortunately for them, their new foot soldiers will not be the best and brightest; FOX news got to them first. Many of them have only a basic understanding of American history, most of which was culled from sappy country-pop songs from Lee Greenwood, Gretchen Wilson, Toby Keith and half of Big and Rich. As well, they are very unclear on exactly what Obama and the hated liberals are, Socialists, Communists, Fascists….. Something ending in “ist”.


13 comments (Latest Comment: 04/20/2009 01:01:48 by Mondobubba)
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