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Fried Chicken, Rice & Beans- Somebody bring the collard greens!
Author: Raine    Date: 07/16/2009 12:42:57

So what fun and games are in store for us today at the Sotomayor hearings? Can the three distinguished Senators from the bible belt be any more condescending, misogynist or racist today? So far they have prove that they sure don't disapoint!

I am not the only one wondering these things this week. I previously posted what Joan Walsh and Eugene Robinson have written. I posted a video yesterday from Laura Flanders.

The things that have been said were stunning, and yet not surprising. They have confirmed what many on the left have long thought about certain members of the GOP. What I am finding surprising is the lack of understanding from people like Andrew Cohen (a reporter from CBS) who, during his coverage of the hearing yesterday said that perhaps people were overreacting to what some of the senators are saying.
For what it's worth, and having heard exchange, I think folks are making way too much of Coburn's comments to Soto on "explaining."
In his defense, this is a good reporter. He tweeted this so I can forgive the editorializing of the coverage. I hope that when the story is written he will have had enough people editing it to remove such bias. I talked with a friend about this and she summed it up nicely: 'people making fun of my race and then telling me not to take it so hard can [expetive deleted].'

What amazes me is the lack of sensitivity regarding some of the things that have been said at these hearings, --by white men. It goes right to the heart of what Eugene Robinson wrote in his column on Monday:
The only real suspense in the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is whether the Republican Party will persist in tying its fortunes to an anachronistic claim of white male exceptionalism and privilege.

Republicans' outrage, both real and feigned, at Sotomayor's musings about how her identity as a "wise Latina" might affect her judicial decisions is based on a flawed assumption: that whiteness and maleness are not themselves facets of a distinct identity. Being white and male is seen instead as a neutral condition, the natural order of things. Any "identity" -- black, brown, female, gay, whatever -- has to be judged against this supposedly "objective" standard.
His suspicions were correct. When Mr. Cohen said what he said, it dawned on me that while I do try to understand the idea of racism in America, I can truly not fully identify. I am a white woman -- perhaps even a wise white woman. Because I have experienced sexism firsthand, I try not to dismiss what other people go through. The very idea that these Republican Senators are saying these things on record shows to me that not only are they not trying to understand, they are willfully living in ignorance, justified by their own caucasion arrogance.

It no longer matters to me that the GOP survive. It WILL survive as it is right now as long as people tolerate these things. They have a base that consists of teabaggers and corporatists who lie to said teabaggers in order to garner money and donations from them and to be puppets for what is looking more and more like a real racist agenda. They have an RNC Chairman that claims he will bring the "Fried Chicken" in order to expand the base. They have a Governor who quit mid term -- and they have these people interviewing our next Supreme Court judge. It tells me that the GOP isn't done-- this is exactly what it is. Until people - REGULAR PEOPLE - start taking their party back, it isn't going anywhere. This is the party of masters and servants -- as it stands now.

Michael Steele summed up the GOP as it stands now. You only need to watch the first few seconds.

:peace: and :heart:


98 comments (Latest Comment: 07/17/2009 06:03:41 by livingonli)
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