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What can we do?
Author: Raine    Date: 08/20/2009 12:37:05

This morning I am going to ask you to please read this post and please send a letter in to your Senator. I am going to ask that you send this to all of your friends and colleagues and ask that they do the same.

We always knew that health care would be a rough battle. In the last few weeks, the republicans and conservadems have made the battle more chaotic and insane then it ever had to be.

I do not know what it will take for those that want true reform to get the message across. I flip out when I come across articles like this:
Health Care Reform Bill Would Allow Abortion Business in Public School Clinics

Most of the focus on the pending bills in Congress for a government-run health care system focus on either the abortion funding and coverage or the rationing aspects of the legislation. But, the bills also contain a section allowing the nation's biggest abortion business to enter public schools.

In Title V of H.R. 3200, Subtitle B, called School-Based Health Clinics, outlines a new federal program where the government would fund health clinics near or in the nation's public schools.

However, Section 399Z indicates that school officials won't be responsible for administering the clinics. Instead, that responsibility falls to the clinic sponsor, which could be Planned Parenthood -- the nation's largest abortion business which does more than 350,000 a year.
It's absurd. Aside from the fact that this is utter fearmongering crap, Planned Parenthood is not the nations biggest abortion provider. They are using the Abortion bogeyman AGAIN. How many times can you tell people that any health care bill that is signed into law cannot trump already existing federal law? Federally funded abortions are against federal law! How do you debunk utter nonsense?

This is the type of crap we are up against, and people like Chuck Grassley -- an ELECTED OFFICIAL -- are out there perpetuating these lies. We started a debunking site, Health Care Reform Myths, The White House now has one, as does the Speakers office and the DCCC-- and it still doesn't seem to be enough to get people to use common sense.

I refuse to give up in this battle for reform, but It will take everyone who believes in this to help. So I ask: What can you do today? What can we do together to stop the lies, get organized and be a loud and clear voice for reform?


59 comments (Latest Comment: 08/21/2009 01:20:28 by livingonli)
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