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News on the news
Author: Raine    Date: 09/28/2009 12:29:41

Is this the future of the news? CBS has decided to partner with Global Post -- a web site for foreign news. PBS has done the same with Tehran Bureau -- a site I first stumbled across during the Iranian protests that began earlier this year, the New York Times is reporting this morning.

I am quite mixed about this. While I tend to trust PBS more than CBS to do the right thing with the information gleaned from these webites, I wonder what they will do to the actual stories? GlobalPost seems like it has a good business model. We need good foreign reporting - but what we need even more is more honesty from our own media.

I say this because I came across an interesting story this morning. CBS cancelled a Michael Moore appearance it seems for his slamming Disney ABC for it's use of "permalancers". As you know, Mr. Moore is out and about promoting his new movie: Capitalism: A Love Story. Moore tweeted:
Backlash Begins: CBS has cancelled me on its Mon. morning show. After I criticized ABC/Disney on GMA, they didn't want me to do same to CBS.
Mediaite followed up on the truthiness of this tweet.
“People backstage here — they don’t get to be real employees here because they don’t get the benefits, so they’re freelancers…and I said ‘Guy, I was here two years ago, you were a freelancer, what are you doing here?’ — right backstage here at ABC — he said, ‘We call ourselves permalancers now.’ They don’t get to share in just the basic benefits that an employee used to have who worked here. What’s wrong with that? What is wrong with just giving people basic things for their hard work?”
Suddenly after Moore says this on air -- CBS is saying he was never booked. I find it all suspicious myself. I hope that CBS isn't just hiring more "permalancers" at GlobalPost.

It goes down to what the actual networks decide to show us and what they don't - and that is a scary thing in America. So I congratulate CBS for expanding it's foreign reporting by adding new sources of information; I just hope they wake up and do the same here on the homeland. In the end, if you truly want quality you have to pay for it, and that includes American workers. That is what capitalism is about -- getting a return on your investment, not keeping people in the dark.



81 comments (Latest Comment: 09/29/2009 02:47:51 by Mondobubba)
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