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Stimulus 2.0 -- or how I learned to love the lie.
Author: Raine    Date: 07/09/2009 12:39:49

Yesterday, above or below the noise and the din of the Jackson Palin Media channels was another discussion that political wonks seems to be having. It was talk of a second stimulus. With questions being bandied about cable news, online media and the blogosphere like 'will we need a Stimulus 2.0?' and 'are we spending enough?' to the constant drumbeat of how 'the stimulus has been a failure', I was wondering where this idea of a Stimulus 2.0 came from. I have watched the President, I have paid fairly close attention to what is going on. I simply couldn't recall where the meme came from.
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96 comments (Latest Comment: 07/10/2009 02:12:07 by Raine)

Discordia - Brought to you by the number 60
Author: BobR    Date: 07/08/2009 12:23:29

It finally happened - Senator Al Franken was sworn in to the Senate yesterday, bringing the total number of Democrats in the Senate to 60. There is an automatic assumption associated with this that now the Democrats can pass any bill they want. What it really means is that they could block filibusters on any bill and call for cloture (remember the "up or down" mantra from back in the day when Democrats were the ones doing the filibustering?). The reality of course is that the number means nothing.
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190 comments (Latest Comment: 07/09/2009 04:56:47 by BobR)

Ask A Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 07/07/2009 10:47:23

Good Morning.

Today is our 2,302nd day in Iraq.

We'll start this morning as we always do, with the latest casualty figures from Iraq and Afghanistan, courtesy of antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4323
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 4184
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3862
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3464
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 95

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 725
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 491
Journalists - Iraq: 138
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq: 1,360

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:

$ 876, 446, 175, 000 .00

This morning, we'll be taking a look back at our occupation of Iraq. On June 30, US troops left their bases in and around the cities of Iraq and went back to the Green Zone to start packing up.
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77 comments (Latest Comment: 07/08/2009 03:21:48 by AuntAzalea)

Sarah is being sued by Space aliens!
Author: Raine    Date: 07/06/2009 12:23:36

Monday Morning and Sarah is still on my mind. Sorry, I can't help it. After her spectacular speech, Sarah Palin had her lawyer threaten to sue the media...
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102 comments (Latest Comment: 07/07/2009 03:02:41 by Mondobubba)

She's NOT a Quitter, just a Person that Steps Down Halfway through Term!
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 07/05/2009 14:06:53

Good morning dear readers! Velveeta was all set to review Mark Sanfords love letters, but then Sarah Palin debuted a new performance art piece / political press conference. I was still intent on the Sanford letters because, I mean, that is some juicy good reading, but then I read this. Seems that Todd’s wife and mother of “Trig” is getting litigious according to “some sources”

But Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims.

So let me be clear, that we here at 4 Freedoms Blog do NOT want to get national attention by claiming that Sarah Palin may be under federal investigation for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing.
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19 comments (Latest Comment: 07/06/2009 04:52:30 by livingonli)

Remembering an old friend on the Fourth
Author: TriSec    Date: 07/04/2009 13:11:08

Good Morning!

Happy Independence day to one and all, on this the beginning of our 233rd year free of the tyranny of King George III.

While everyone is out and about today, I want you all to take a look at the street names in your city. With a reasonable degree of certainty, I can state that everyone has one or more of the following street names. Washington. Franklin. Jefferson. Maybe a Revere. Probably a Lexington.

I'm betting there's one other name out there. Lafayette.
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39 comments (Latest Comment: 07/05/2009 00:31:41 by trojanrabbit)

Vigilance - Now more than ever...
Author: BobR    Date: 07/03/2009 12:38:49

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
- Mark Twain

The 2008 election was an historic moment - the first black president of the United States was chosen by a majority of the voting public. At the same time, the House and Senate were given over to the Democrats with solid majorities. The messages from the campaigns struck the right notes in the ears of Americans, and the they went to the polls to vote for hope, but more importantly: change.

But of course, some things never change. The players in charge of disseminating the smears and lies about Obama and the Democrats (Limbaugh, FAUX News, ... you know who they are) have not only kept up the propaganda, they've ramped it up. The problem with this is that there is a small percentage of the population that eats this up as truth because it reinforces what they already believe and feel.
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65 comments (Latest Comment: 07/04/2009 03:52:17 by BobR)

Above the law in Honduras
Author: Raine    Date: 07/02/2009 12:47:57

President Manuel Zelaya, President of Honduras was ousted from office last Friday by the Honduran Military. It has largely gone unreported due to off-the-wall Jackson Coverage. I'm pretty sure that had Michael not died this story would have gone unreported anyway. You see, the coup has American fingerprints all over it.
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72 comments (Latest Comment: 07/03/2009 01:05:08 by livingonli)

Under The Radar
Author: BobR    Date: 07/01/2009 12:01:06

The last few days have been rather monolithic with regards to the news. First it was Farrah Fawcett, then Michael Jackson, then Harlequin Romance Novel cover model Governor Sanford, and then yesterday Senator Franken (c'mon Bill-O - you can say it!). With all of this hubbub going on, you have to assume some other news items got overlooked. As a public service, we here at FourFreedoms News are happy to pass along some of these Under the Radar stories.
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174 comments (Latest Comment: 07/02/2009 03:26:20 by livingonli)

Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 06/30/2009 10:39:16

Good Morning.

Today is our 2,295th day in Iraq.

We'll start this morning as we always do, with the latest casualty figures from Iraq and Afghanistan, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4319
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 4180
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3858
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3460
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09): 91

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq: 318
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 715
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 486
Journalists - Iraq: 138
Contractor Employee Deaths - Iraq: 1,306

We find this morning's cost of war passing through:
$ 873, 889, 350, 000 .00

Well, is today the day? US forces have pulled out of major Iraq cities and have turned over security to native forces. This has been a long time coming, and the US and Iraqi armies have spent many long months in training and preparations for this day.

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112 comments (Latest Comment: 07/01/2009 03:20:47 by BobR)

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