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Author: TriSec    Date: 12/03/2022 23:28:39

Good evening...at a strange hour on a Saturday for a blog.

I was dispatching today, and went out early.

Boston has figured prominently in national and international news over the last few days. I suppose I should write about that "Earthshot" prize that brought members of the Royal Family and the President to our fair city.

The culmination of Prince William and Princess Kate’s three-day tour in and around Boston wrapped up Friday night with the Earthshot Prize ceremony in Boston.

The Earthshot Prize offers $1.2 million in prize money to each of the winners of five separate categories: nature protection, clean air, ocean revival, waste elimination and climate change.

The winners, announced at Boston’s MGM Music Hall, were:

— A female-founded startup that’s providing cleaner-burning biomass stoves in Africa

— A United Kingdom company making biodegradable packaging from seaweed

— A “greenhouse-in-a-box” concept created to increase yields on small farms in India

— A technique for transforming atmospheric carbon into rock in Oman in the Middle East

— A woman-led effort to create a new generation of indigenous rangers in Australia.

"It’s the greatest crisis of our lifetime, and I appreciate what Prince William is doing,” Malek said before heading into the venue. “And in the next 10 years I think the impact will be staggering. And we can really effect change in the greatest way with these innovators who are being awarded this evening."


But I was pondering familial things this weekend. Word reached us from Canada that my aged Uncle Rye had passed on at the age of 96. Days before the anniversary of my mother's own passing.

Six years ago at this hour, I know I was at the Bear Hill Nursing Home in Wakefield, relieving my brother, who had been keeping vigil all day. I stayed late into the night, and went home for a few hours' rest, only to miss it - by the time I returned the next morning, Mum had already gone.

Hard to believe it's been six years.

In any case - today actually sucked in Boston. But that's my issue. TriSec is home now, one martini on-board, steaks about to hit the pan, and a late start tomorrow.

Have a great rest of your weekend, peeps.

1 comments (Latest Comment: 12/04/2022 22:57:15 by BobR)
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