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4 Things
Author: Raine    Date: 01/30/2023 14:03:23

Welcome to the new week. I am happy to report that 4F remains a safe haven for those who love the following:

Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Worship
Freedom from Want
Freedom from Fear

These things seem to be becoming more and more endangered in this country. Markedly so in the more conservative leaning areas of it. I am neither a pessimist or an optimist. I try to be pragmatic. I am at a loss when I read stories like this.
Districts across the state -- including Duval County Public Schools -- are performing a mass review of all classroom libraries and media centers after the Florida Department of Education handed down directives intended to comply with state law.

“The Florida Department of Education has trained all Florida schools districts to ‘err on the side of caution’ in determining if a book is developmentally appropriate for student use,” DCPS said in a blog post about the decision.

The law says that all books, specifically in elementary school libraries, must be looked over by a certified media specialist who has undergone state training on the new policy.

The people doing this are the same as those who defend police brutality. Just think about that.

Also, in case you need a reminder, Police aren't supposed to kill guilty people either. Let's be righteous and kind to each other. The world needs the good guys to win.



4 comments (Latest Comment: 01/31/2023 01:54:19 by Raine)
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