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Rick Rolled
Author: velveeta jones    Date: 08/14/2011 04:57:13

Here's my recap of Rick Perry's speech.

Howdy. [By saying 'Howdy' he's letting you know that he's from the rural South and that, naturally, he's not an elitist. You know only real Americans and rednecks say Howdy.] Thank you, Erick (Erickson, editor of RedState). It is great to be at RedState. And I’ll tell you what, it’s even better to be governor of the largest red state in America. [rimshot]
It’s sure good to be back in the Palmetto State, in South Carolina. I enjoy coming to places where people elect folks like Nikki Haley, true conservatives. And also where they love the greatest fighting force on the face of the earth…the United States Military. [so.... you're saying that all the other states don't love the military? What about Texas?] And I want to take a moment and ask you to just take a silence, think about those young Navy SEALs and the other special operators who gave it all in the service of their country. Just take a
moment to say Thank you, Lord, that we have those kind of selfless, sacrificial men and women. ["I'm a patriot, see?"]
Their sacrifice was immeasurable, their dedication profound, and we will never, ever forget them. I stand before you today as the governor of Texas. But I also stand before you the son of two tenant farmers, Ray Perry, who came home after 35 bombing missions over Europe to work his little corner of land out there, and Amelia who made sure my sister Milla and I had everything that we needed, including hand-sewing my clothes until I went off to college. ["I'm still reminding you how patriotic and non-elitist I am".] I am also the product of a place called Paint Creek. Doesn’t have a zip code. It’s too small to be called a town along the rolling plains of Texas. [76866 according to the USPS. You know, that socialist organization that steals our money. ] We grew dryland cotton and wheat, and when I wasn’t farming or attending Paint Creek Rural School, I was generally over at Troop 48 working on my Eagle Scout award. ["Still showing you how patriotic and anti-gay I am".]

Around the age of 8, I was blessed – didn’t realize it, but I was blessed to meet my future wife, Anita Thigpen, at a piano recital. We had our first date eight years later. And she finally agreed to marry me 16 years after that. Nobody says I am not persistent. [Okay, you already told us the town was so friggin' small that you couldn't grow two peas there, how many girls were in this town, 4? So, basically, you picked one? Swell.] There is no greater way to live life than with someone you love, and my first love is with us today, my lovely wife Anita. We’re also blessed to have two incredible children, Griffin and Sydney, and they are also with us today, and our wonderful daughter-in-law Meredith. I’d just like to introduce those two. Thank you.

What I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and on thrift. Those values have stuck with me my whole life. ["And as President, I'll be reminding you of this on a daily basis".] But it wasn’t until I [ just barely] graduated from Texas A&M University and joined the United States Air Force, flying C-130’s all around the globe, that I truly appreciated the blessings of freedom. ["hmmm, let's see if I can get Abe and Ronnie in the same sentence".] To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, I realized that the United States of America really is the last great hope of mankind.[YES] What I saw was systems of government that elevated rulers at the expense of the people. Socialist systems cloaked maybe in good intentions but were delivering misery and stagnation. And I learned that not everyone values life like we do in America, or the rights that are endowed to every human being by a loving God. ["Of course, I speak of rights endowed for everyone except Gays, Dems, and anyone brownish in color".]

You see, as Americans we’re not defined by class, and we will never be told our place. What makes our nation exceptional is that anyone, from any background, can climb the highest of heights. ["As long as they pull themselves up their bootstraps". ] As Americans, we don’t see the role of government as guaranteeing outcomes, but allowing free men and women to flourish based on their own vision, their hard work and their personal responsibility. [bootstraps, good luck ] And as Americans, we realize there is no taxpayer money that wasn’t
first earned by the sweat and toil of one of our citizens.That’s why we reject this President’s unbridled fixation on taking more money out of the wallets and pocketbooks of American families and employers and giving it to a central government. [I have no idea what he's talking about here.] “Spreading the wealth” punishes success while setting America on course to greater dependency on government. Washington’s insatiable desire to spend our children’s inheritance on failed “stimulus” plans and other misguided economic theories have given us record debt and left us with far too many unemployed. [Yes, we should remember that our children's inheritance was done by our parent's parents hard work..... killing the natives and stealing their land.]

But of course, now we’re told we are in recovery. Yeah.
But this sure doesn’t feel like a recovery to more than nine percent of Americans out there who are unemployed, or the sixteen percent of African Americans and 11 percent of Hispanics in the same position, [Teabaggers stopped listening here.] or the millions more who can only find part-time work, or those who have stopped even looking for a job.One in six work-eligible Americans cannot find a full-time job. That is not a recovery. That is an economic disaster.

If you think about it, for those Americans who do have full-time jobs, ["I got mine"] they aren’t experiencing economic recovery with the rising fuel costs and the food prices that are going up. Recovery is a meaningless word if the bank has foreclosed on your home, [sucker] if you are under water on your mortgage, [you should have rented] or if you are up to the max on your credit card debt. [that's your own fault.]Those Americans know that this President and his big-spending, big-government policies have prolonged our national misery, not
alleviated it.

And what do we say to our children? Y’all figure it out? [See, I'm a REAL Southern! I said 'y'all' ] Don’t worry, Washington’s created 17 debt and entitlement commissions in 30 years, but the fact of the matter is they just didn’t have the courage to make the decisions to allow you to have the future that you actually deserve? That Washington wouldn’t even make modest entitlement program reforms in this last debate? And the President even refused to lay out a plan, for fear of the next election? How can the wealthiest nation in the history of civilization fail so miserably to pay its bills? How does that happen? [Oh, if only we had that Hot Tub Time Machine, right? ]

Well, Mr. President, let us tell you something: you can't win the future by selling America off to foreign creditors. We cannot afford four more years of this rudderless leadership. [Yeah, we never had rudderless leadership in the 2000's did we?] Last week, that leadership failed, and the tax and spend and borrow agenda of this President led to the first ever downgrade of the credit rating of the United States of America.

In reality though, this is just the most recent downgrade. The fact is for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs. He’s been downgrading our standing in the world. He’s been downgrading our financial stability. He’s been downgrading our confidence, and downgrading the hope for a better future for our children. That’s a fact.

His policies are not only a threat to this economy, so are his appointees – a threat. [ Scary - a threat.] You see he stacked the National Labor Relations Board with anti-business cronies who want to dictate to a private company, Boeing, where they can build a plant. [".... and how much they can pay people, and boring stuff about health and safety of workers and communities. Stupid".] No president, no president should kill jobs in South Carolina, or any other state for that matter, simply because they choose to go to a right-to-work state. ["so that company can pay minimum wage and skimp on safety".]

You see, when the Obama Administration is not stifling economic growth with over-regulation, they are achieving the same through their reckless spending. Debt is not only a threat [there's that word again.] to our economy, but also to our security.America’s standing in the world is in peril, not only because of disastrous economic policies, but from the incoherent muddle that they call foreign policy. Our president has insulted our friends and he’s encouraged our enemies, thumbing his nose at traditional allies like Israel. He seeks to dictate new borders for the Middle East and the oldest democracy there, Israel, while he is an abject failure in his constitutional duty to protect our borders in the United States. His foreign policy seems to be based on alienating our traditional allies, while basing our domestic agenda on importing those failed Western European social values. [Reminding you he is a Socialist. ] We don’t need a president who apologizes for America. [?] We need a president who protects and projects those values.

Look, it’s pretty simple: we’re going to stand with those who stand with us, and we will vigorously defend our interests. And those who threaten [ scary word again. Are you scared?] our interests, harm our citizens – we will simply not be scolding you, we will defeat you.

Our nation cannot and it must not endure four more years of aimless foreign policy. Yeah, let's go back to the Bush doctrine. That worked well. We cannot and must not endure four more years of rising unemployment, rising taxes, rising debt, rising energy dependence on nations that intend us harm.

It is time to get America working again. To get citizens – to get our citizens working in good jobs and getting the government to working for the people again.
Page one of any economic plan to get America working is to give a pink slip to the current resident in the White House.

Listen, we just got to get back to the basic truths of economic success. As Governor, I’ve had to deal with the consequences of this national recession. In 2003, and again this year, my state faced billions of dollars in budget shortfalls. But we worked hard, we made tough decisions, we balanced our budget. Not by raising taxes, but by setting priorities and cutting government spending. [Oh we also talked about seceding from the Union.] It can and it must be done in Washington, DC.

And I know I’ve talked a lot about Texas here in the last little bit. I’m a Texan and proud of it. But first, and foremost, I’m an incredibly proud American. And I know something: America is not broken. Washington, D.C., is broken! [ D.C. Not in America.]

We need balanced budgets. We need lower taxes. We need less regulation. And we need civil justice reform – those same four principles. Our country’s most urgent need is to revitalize our economy, stop the generational theft that is going on with this record debt. I come to South Carolina because I will not sit back and accept the path that America is on.

Because a great country requires a better direction. Because a renewed nation needs a new president. It is time to get America working again. And that’s why, with the support of my family, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I declare to you today as a candidate for President of the United States.

Now, let's talk about secession! (No, he didn't really say that).

4 comments (Latest Comment: 08/14/2011 23:26:04 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by AuntAzalea on 08/14/2011 13:16:15
Brilliant! Ms. Velveeta, that speech drove me batty, now I can see why- line by line insanity.
Watching Candy Crowley on Sunday morning CNN giving it to Michelle Bachman. Love when she forces her to answer a question like "according to the latest polls the Tea Party has dropped in Republican popularity by 18% since April- why is that?" She tried to weasel out with three attempts on talking points but Candy just kept asking the same question over and over until she admitted "she didn't know why there was an 18% drop, all the people She talks to LOVES the tea party"...says it all.

Comment by livingonli on 08/14/2011 17:41:48
Being a Republican means never having to take responsibility for anything.

Today, I am at the salt mine doing the O's-Tigers game on MASN2 (with bonus coverage on MASN because the Nats-Phillies game was rained out) and just hoping the sun stays out for this game while it's raining and pouring here.

Comment by livingonli on 08/14/2011 18:49:30
I've heard T-Paw is out. I think he bored everyone away.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/14/2011 23:26:04
Quote by livingonli:
I've heard T-Paw is out. I think he bored everyone away.

I guess that Mitt Romney must now pick up the campaign theme song, "Born To Be MILD."