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The Demise of Decency
Author: BobR    Date: 2014-05-28 10:17:04

Common decency in America has gone to meet its maker. There was a time when we respected one another (or at least pretended to), when victims of violent death and their survivors were comforted, where marriage and relationships were accorded a modicum of reverence and empathy. All it takes is one over-privileged, narcissistic psycho with a grudge to flush all that down the crapper.

Of course - we all know about the Virgin Homicides in California. Some horny boy couldn't get laid because women were smart enough to know what a pig he was, so he grabbed his surrogate dick and bullet-fucked anyone in his line of sight. Like Sandy Hook, the parents' grief once again brought the notion of common-sense gun laws to the forefront:
Richard Martinez, the father of 20-year-old UCSB shooting victim Christopher Martinez[..] went on: "Chris was a really great kid. Ask anyone who knew him. His death has left our family lost and broken.

Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights. What about Chris's right to live?

When will this insanity stop? When will enough people say, 'Stop this madness!' Too many have died. We should say to ourselves, 'Not one more!'"

I was counting down to the moment when some NRA-apologist intoned "Now is not the time to politicize this by discussing gun control". Instead, a South Carolina politician tweeted this:
No idea how my son will die, but I know it won’t be cowering like a bitch at UC Santa Barbara. Any son of mine would have been shooting back.
Fuck him. He is a piece of shit. His tragedy sucks, but he blamed me for it and wants to take away my rights. The guy is trying to take away my rights to protect my family. Fuck him every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Klassy with a "K"... and disgusting - treating this tragedy and a parent's grief with such venom. It wasn't just this douchestick, though. Enter campaign 2008 liar Joe the Plumber (who is neither a plumber, nor named "Joe") with his unsurprisingly selfish take on the tragedy: "As harsh as this sounds -- your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights".

That's right - in their minds, the senseless deaths and countless grieving family and friends, the lives ruined - these are all a small price to pay so they can play with their toys. There's no middle ground here, it's either them or your kids, and your kids have a red glowing dot on their foreheads. It's in the Constitution somewhere, they're sure of it.

As if the gun lovers weren't enough, the women-haters club (yes, it's a real thing) has to chime in by not only blaming women for the murders, but promising more where that came from.

It seems that women are always getting the short end of the stick (insert joke here... gently), especially from self-appointed advisors like senile televangelist Pat Robertson, who counsels wives to fuck their husbands when they do the dishes. See - if women only knew their place (which is apparently on all fours for whomever wants to go for a ride), then husbands would be happy, no-longer-virgin college boys would be happy, and there would be no more violence.

Well - except for from those gun-toting women, I suppose...

Regardless - I remember in my youth there was a promise at that time in our history... women were declaring their right to be treated as equals and the right to determine their own destiny. Every day, it seems like politicians, pundits, and wannabe 15-minuters are opening their yaps and blurting out whatever fetid fantasies their id dislodges from the fevered recesses of their tiny brains. We are slipping backwards, and it disgusts and discourages me. I hope that we Americans who retain some semblance of decency can pull the reins and bring us back around to a time when random mass shootings are considered a tragedy by everyone. We may not always agree, but we should at least agree to try to remain decent about it.

By the way... if you think my language and imagery in this was crude and a bit "indecent", there's a reason. It's an artistic device to make the point. I hope this requires no further explanation.

54 comments (Latest Comment: 05/29/2014 01:03:46 by Will in Chicago)
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Comment by Scoopster on 05/28/2014 12:56:50
Morning all!

As far as Joe the Plumber's Crack goes, I refer you to my most recent FB status.

Comment by Mondobubba on 05/28/2014 13:04:42
Bobber you went all Rude One on us. Well done!

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 13:08:58

Comment by Scoopster on 05/28/2014 13:33:33
Comment by clintster on 05/28/2014 13:35:24
As reported on the Momma Show, Dr. Maya Angelou has died. Here she is presenting "On The Pulse Of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 13:36:22
good morning!

Thank you for writing this.
No idea how my son will die, but I know it won’t be cowering like a bitch at UC Santa Barbara. Any son of mine would have been shooting back.
Right there. that fairly useless oxygen taker blamed the victim, Chris martinez, who was shot in the back while entering a convenience store.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 13:37:02
Quote by clintster:
As reported on the Momma Show, Dr. Maya Angelou has died. Here she is presenting "On The Pulse Of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993.

This is a sad thng to wake up to.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 13:38:04
Quote by clintster:
As reported on the Momma Show, Dr. Maya Angelou has died. Here she is presenting "On The Pulse Of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993.

I was there that morning -it was amazing and moving to hear.

Comment by Scoopster on 05/28/2014 13:38:12
Quote by clintster:
As reported on the Momma Show, Dr. Maya Angelou has died. Here she is presenting "On The Pulse Of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993.

Aw damn..

Comment by clintster on 05/28/2014 13:39:02
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by clintster:
As reported on the Momma Show, Dr. Maya Angelou has died. Here she is presenting "On The Pulse Of Morning" at Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993.

I was there that morning -it was amazing and moving to hear.

Listening to it right now, and I still get goose flesh nearly 20 years later.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 13:43:03
Really Chris - I do find them misogynistic. I think Ann Horneday had a point.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 13:47:49
They are talking about the Ann Hornaday Column she wrote in the post the other day, I wonder if they read the entire thing. Ms. Hornaday responds. here is what she wrote:

Indeed, as important as it is to understand Rodger’s actions within the context of the mental illness he clearly suffered, it’s just as clear that his delusions were inflated, if not created, by the entertainment industry he grew up in. With his florid rhetoric of self-pity, aggression and awkwardly forced “evil laugh,” Rodger resembled a noxious cross between Christian Bale’s slick sociopath in “American Psycho,” the thwarted womanizer in James Toback’s “The Pick-Up Artist” and every Bond villain in the canon.

But ut ends with the very important point she awkwardly made:
Every year, San Diego State University researcher Martha Lauzen releases a “Celluloid Ceiling” report in which she delivers distressing statistics regarding the state of women in Hollywood. This year, she found that women made up just 16 percent of directors, writers, producers, cinematographers and editors working on the top 250 movies of 2013; similarly, women accounted for just 15 percent of protagonists in those films.

Even if 51 percent of our movies were made by women, Elliot Rodger still would have been seriously ill. But it’s worth examining who gets to be represented on screen, and how. It makes sense to ask, as cartoonist Alison Bechdel does in her eponymous Bechdel Test, whether a movie features (1) at least two named female characters who (2) talk to each other about (3) something besides a man. And it bears taking a hard look at whether we’re doing more subtle damage to our psyches and society by so drastically limiting our collective imagination. As Rodger himself made so grievously clear, we’re only as strong as the stories we tell ourselves.
I think Rogen and Apatow are taking this a little too sensitively.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 13:48:07
Quote by wickedpam:
Really Chris - I do find them misogynistic. I think Ann Horneday had a point.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 13:48:47
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Really Chris - I do find them misogynistic. I think Ann Horneday had a point.

Thank you too - for a while I thought I was on that island by myself.

Comment by TriSec on 05/28/2014 14:08:33
Morning, folks. I am adding "bullet-fucked" to my vocabulary right now.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 14:11:31
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Really Chris - I do find them misogynistic. I think Ann Horneday had a point.

Thank you too - for a while I thought I was on that island by myself.
You know, god forbid a woman film critic talk about misogyny in hollywood films…

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 14:13:06
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Really Chris - I do find them misogynistic. I think Ann Horneday had a point.

Thank you too - for a while I thought I was on that island by myself.
You know, god forbid a woman film critic talk about misogyny in hollywood films…

IKR, craziness.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 14:33:21
oh yes cause just fucking "believing" in myself will solve all the problem - sure - whatever

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 14:41:50
This is really good write up on a big underground problem we have, as a society. It mentions the website in a link Bob put in today's post.

you read this article, and thick about so much of the nonsense we have heard from the Tea party and even mainstream republicans, from *women shutting that down* to aspirin, to Rush to asshats creating a dating game format at a woman's issues forum…. and tell me, how deep is this problem in our society?

That so many men take such personal offense that this is a bigger broader problem makes me wonder if we can really have this conversation.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 16:03:20
I killed the blog.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 16:06:48
Quote by Raine:
I killed the blog.

no, I'm reading, working and boping around on a bunch of sites all at the same time

Comment by Mondobubba on 05/28/2014 16:10:07
Your Princess Is in Another Castle.

This is pretty appropriate given the tenor of the day's discussion.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 16:19:18
Quote by Mondobubba:
Your Princess Is in Another Castle.

This is pretty appropriate given the tenor of the day's discussion.
I am halfway through, I have t go walk the dogs and I will finish this when I get back. It's very good so far.

Comment by Mondobubba on 05/28/2014 17:12:34
Quote by Raine:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Your Princess Is in Another Castle.

This is pretty appropriate given the tenor of the day's discussion.
I am halfway through, I have t go walk the dogs and I will finish this when I get back. It's very good so far.

I was impressed. It speaks to the male nerd community which, has in many parts, huge problems with the way it relates to women.

Comment by Scoopster on 05/28/2014 17:13:40
Alrighty I'm committed. Just bought my train tix!

Comment by BobR on 05/28/2014 17:19:29
You never know who you're going to run into around here. I was at a little corner grocery at lunch, and there looking at drinks with a Subway sandwich in his hand was THE COOCH.

Bad vibes were pouring off of him.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 17:40:01
Quote by BobR:
You never know who you're going to run into around here. I was at a little corner grocery at lunch, and there looking at drinks with a Subway sandwich in his hand was THE COOCH.

Bad vibes were pouring off of him.


Comment by Scoopster on 05/28/2014 17:43:56
Quote by BobR:
You never know who you're going to run into around here. I was at a little corner grocery at lunch, and there looking at drinks with a Subway sandwich in his hand was THE COOCH.

Bad vibes were pouring off of him.

Ahh Washington DC.. what a town!

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 17:44:42
Quote by Mondobubba:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Your Princess Is in Another Castle.

This is pretty appropriate given the tenor of the day's discussion.
I am halfway through, I have t go walk the dogs and I will finish this when I get back. It's very good so far.

I was impressed. It speaks to the male nerd community which, has in many parts, huge problems with the way it relates to women.
Uh oh… Will Seth Rogen be all outraged at Mr. Ch?
We are not Lewis from Revenge of the Nerds, we are not Steve Urkel from Family Matters, we are not Preston Myers from Can’t Hardly Wait, we are not Seth Rogen in every movie Seth Rogen has ever been in, we are not fucking Mario racing to the castle to beat Bowser because we know there’s a princess in there waiting for us.
Seriously, if Seth doesn't say something here, may I mention agin that Ann Hornaday is a woman again?

I know that sometimes I may appear over sensitive to this, I am not. It is not about individuals, it's is about institutionalized misogyny. One can enjoy all of these movies and still have an understanding of what is being subliminally said.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 17:48:59
Quote by Scoopster:
Alrighty I'm committed. Just bought my train tix!

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 18:17:58
Comment by Mondobubba on 05/28/2014 18:19:19
Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 18:20:43

Okay that's not fair! I don't have anyone to play board games with!

Comment by Mondobubba on 05/28/2014 18:31:09
Quote by wickedpam:

Okay that's not fair! I don't have anyone to play board games with!

Play, schmay! I just want Firefly branded clue. And Yatzee.

Comment by Mondobubba on 05/28/2014 18:31:29
And I wanted to geek out about Firefly.

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 18:40:15
Quote by Mondobubba:
Quote by wickedpam:

Okay that's not fair! I don't have anyone to play board games with!

Play, schmay! I just want Firefly branded clue. And Yatzee.

I have Doctor Who Yatzhee, didn't know there was a Firefly

Comment by wickedpam on 05/28/2014 18:42:01
Quote by Raine:
Quote by Scoopster:
Alrighty I'm committed. Just bought my train tix!

this reminds me I have to figure out when to start the Skittles Vodka

Comment by Scoopster on 05/28/2014 19:52:28
Comment by BobR on 05/28/2014 19:57:54
Quote by Scoopster:

apropos of my blog...

Comment by BobR on 05/28/2014 19:58:51
Quote by TriSec:
Morning, folks. I am adding "bullet-fucked" to my vocabulary right now.

I kind of liked the "Virgin Homicides" too.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 20:06:27
Quote by Scoopster:
Let's be clear about this, as you mentioned about werselbacher to non plumber, her body isn't even in the ground yet.

It is clear to me that only right wingers are meant to have guns.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 05/28/2014 22:21:41
Hello, bloggers!! I hope that everyone is well!!!

BobR, thanks for a great blog. I did not find it offensive. What I find offensive is that we have people who decide that others are lesser than they. I find it offensive that some people can identify a group of human beings (women, racial groups, religious groups, the LGBT community and many more) and decide that a group deserves to be turn into objects to be ridiculed, used and abused. People do need to grow up. We need to demand the same dignity for others that we demand for ourselves. Harm to any of us should be treated as harm to all.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 05/28/2014 22:26:21
As I have been away, I thought that I would give people here an update on the job situation. Last week, I made $63 bucks on the RV shuttling job. Yesterday, I only made $20 for one run and a friend got two runs. Essentially, only regulars and locals seem to get those jobs. So, my friend and I will see about delivering RVs -- several hours away. So, one day trips where I will make $100/daily or more. I need a car and my friend wants to recoup his losses on this job.

Relating to my last post, my friend told me that when we arrived, one person dismissively said we were here. To quote a character from the West Wing talking to President Josiah Bartlett: If that is who you are, I don't know you nor do I want to know you.

In good news, a friend who is a professor in Boston will check with her connections at a school that I applied to this week.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 22:46:31
Quote by Will in Chicago:
As I have been away, I thought that I would give people here an update on the job situation. Last week, I made $63 bucks on the RV shuttling job. Yesterday, I only made $20 for one run and a friend got two runs. Essentially, only regulars and locals seem to get those jobs. So, my friend and I will see about delivering RVs -- several hours away. So, one day trips where I will make $100/daily or more. I need a car and my friend wants to recoup his losses on this job.

Relating to my last post, my friend told me that when we arrived, one person dismissively said we were here. To quote a character from the West Wing talking to President Josiah Bartlett: If that is who you are, I don't know you nor do I want to know you.

In good news, a friend who is a professor in Boston will check with her connections at a school that I applied to this week.
Jeebus, Will. This is all on the up and up?

Comment by Will in Chicago on 05/28/2014 23:08:38
Quote by Raine:
Quote by Will in Chicago:
As I have been away, I thought that I would give people here an update on the job situation. Last week, I made $63 bucks on the RV shuttling job. Yesterday, I only made $20 for one run and a friend got two runs. Essentially, only regulars and locals seem to get those jobs. So, my friend and I will see about delivering RVs -- several hours away. So, one day trips where I will make $100/daily or more. I need a car and my friend wants to recoup his losses on this job.

Relating to my last post, my friend told me that when we arrived, one person dismissively said we were here. To quote a character from the West Wing talking to President Josiah Bartlett: If that is who you are, I don't know you nor do I want to know you.

In good news, a friend who is a professor in Boston will check with her connections at a school that I applied to this week.
Jeebus, Will. This is all on the up and up?

The company is legitimate and has been in business for 30 years. However, it turns out that they have more regular shuttle people than we were told and it is not as busy as we were told. So, I feel confident about driving an RV to Minneapolis or Detroit or elsewhere and getting paid. However, if I am asked if I am available to work as a shuttle driver for a flat fee and no guarantee of work, I will say Hell, No!

By the way, Glenn Beck proves once again he is a schmuck. From Raw Story: Glenn Beck airs ‘rape’ comedy skit to mock sexual assaults in response to Calif. shootings

Comment by livingonli on 05/28/2014 23:32:46
Sounds like my roommate who si getting screwed on his pay from where he works. It's an upscale restaurant but they have been stiffing on paying the staff. Since he pays for the house FiOS account, that is why we have had no internet and still don't now almost a month later. I'm debating whether to put up a separate account in my room with the only plus I would probably get the discounts and then I wonder what I do for my DirecTV which I would still keep for the sports.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 23:44:54
Quote by livingonli:
Sounds like my roommate who si getting screwed on his pay from where he works. It's an upscale restaurant but they have been stiffing on paying the staff. Since he pays for the house FiOS account, that is why we have had no internet and still don't now almost a month later. I'm debating whether to put up a separate account in my room with the only plus I would probably get the discounts and then I wonder what I do for my DirecTV which I would still keep for the sports.
Oh Liv. is this why we have been not seeing you?

Is the roomie able to pay the rent?

Comment by livingonli on 05/28/2014 23:52:38
Quote by Raine:
Quote by livingonli:
Sounds like my roommate who si getting screwed on his pay from where he works. It's an upscale restaurant but they have been stiffing on paying the staff. Since he pays for the house FiOS account, that is why we have had no internet and still don't now almost a month later. I'm debating whether to put up a separate account in my room with the only plus I would probably get the discounts and then I wonder what I do for my DirecTV which I would still keep for the sports.
Oh Liv. is this why we have been not seeing you?

Is the roomie able to pay the rent?

His father owns the house, but he does have to pay rent but I guess he can work out arrangements. I had to raise my phone data plan up because I have had no WI-fi and I hit my data limit with Verizon this month. When I am not at work, all I can do is what the phone allows me.

Comment by Raine on 05/28/2014 23:58:19
Quote by livingonli:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by livingonli:
Sounds like my roommate who si getting screwed on his pay from where he works. It's an upscale restaurant but they have been stiffing on paying the staff. Since he pays for the house FiOS account, that is why we have had no internet and still don't now almost a month later. I'm debating whether to put up a separate account in my room with the only plus I would probably get the discounts and then I wonder what I do for my DirecTV which I would still keep for the sports.
Oh Liv. is this why we have been not seeing you?

Is the roomie able to pay the rent?

His father owns the house, but he does have to pay rent but I guess he can work out arrangements. I had to raise my phone data plan up because I have had no WI-fi and I hit my data limit with Verizon this month. When I am not at work, all I can do is what the phone allows me.
Just take care that you are are not going to get screwed, Liv.

If you can, get your own internet. Are the sports that important? You might be able to get a low cost plan that would offset the cost of the data limit.

Comment by livingonli on 05/29/2014 00:10:08
I will have to figure out something if internet is not restored soon.

Comment by Raine on 05/29/2014 00:18:13
Quote by livingonli:
I will have to figure out something if internet is not restored soon.
Do you pay for part of it, or is it part of the rent? (assuming the latter) I'm a bit concerned for this situation. If you are paying to have internet service as part of you rent, you need to tell your roonie that you would like those costa reimbursed if this doesn't cleared up soon. You paying more in *rent* and getting less than you signed up for.

Comment by BobR on 05/29/2014 00:23:12
Quote by livingonli:
Sounds like my roommate who si getting screwed on his pay from where he works. It's an upscale restaurant but they have been stiffing on paying the staff. Since he pays for the house FiOS account, that is why we have had no internet and still don't now almost a month later. I'm debating whether to put up a separate account in my room with the only plus I would probably get the discounts and then I wonder what I do for my DirecTV which I would still keep for the sports.

Not paying the staff? How is that legal?

Comment by livingonli on 05/29/2014 00:42:14
Quote by Raine:
Quote by livingonli:
I will have to figure out something if internet is not restored soon.
Do you pay for part of it, or is it part of the rent? (assuming the latter) I'm a bit concerned for this situation. If you are paying to have internet service as part of you rent, you need to tell your roonie that you would like those costa reimbursed if this doesn't cleared up soon. You paying more in *rent* and getting less than you signed up for.

It is part of the rent. Another part of the house switched their service over to Cablevision I don't know if they are getting a brake on the rent. The owner is acting illegally and I don't know if the staff is forcing the hand because I would figure all they would need to do is threaten to go the police or New York State labor since what he is doing is clearly illegal.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 05/29/2014 01:03:46
Quote by BobR:
Quote by livingonli:
Sounds like my roommate who si getting screwed on his pay from where he works. It's an upscale restaurant but they have been stiffing on paying the staff. Since he pays for the house FiOS account, that is why we have had no internet and still don't now almost a month later. I'm debating whether to put up a separate account in my room with the only plus I would probably get the discounts and then I wonder what I do for my DirecTV which I would still keep for the sports.

Not paying the staff? How is that legal?

Bob, I hate to say it, but many companies will break the law until they are brought up on charges. Companies can promise a lot and try to avoid delivering it.